Busy Day at Uncle Eli's Recycle Bin: Broad names X-Louisiana ed chief to lead LA charter Take-over plan - LA School Report
Broad names former Louisiana ed chief to lead LA charter plan - LA School Report: Broad names former Louisiana ed chief to lead LA charter planThe Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation said todayPaul Pastorek, a former superintendent of public education in Louisiana who joined the foundation in an executive role earlier this year, has been appointed to lead the group’s efforts to expand charter schools
“First, Do Not Prevent Learning” - Living in Dialogue
“First, Do Not Prevent Learning” - Living in Dialogue: “First, Do Not Prevent Learning”By Chris Thinnes.(A Review of Stuart Grauer’s Fearless Teaching, forthcoming Jan. 2016 from AERO)Is the teacher’s fundamental allegiance tothe school system…or to their students?Time after time in my work as a teacher,I’ve witnessed the sheer delight studentsand teachers take in doing nothing morethan circling a
Sesame Street's new muppet, Julia, has autism | News | Autism Speaks
Sesame Street's new muppet, Julia, has autism | News | Autism Speaks: Sesame Street's new muppet, Julia, has autismElmo and Abby Cadabby have a new friend and she is on the autism spectrum. Sesame Workshop has introduced Julia as part of their “Sesame Street and Autism: See Amazing in All Children” initiative.The goal of the program is to reduce the stigma associated with autism. A 2012 study by t
Education Reformer (Dr.) Mr. Terrence Carter loses again - Wait What?
Education Reformer (Dr.) Mr. Terrence Carter loses again - Wait What?: Education Reformer (Dr.) Mr. Terrence Carter loses againMr. Terrence Carter, who falsely called himself Dr. Carter arrived from Chicago, with the help of Special Master Steven Adamowski, to “save” the children of New London. But having lied about some of the most important aspects of his resume, including the fact that he was
2016 Educator Excellence Summit - Professional Standards (CA Dept of Education)
2016 Educator Excellence Summit - Professional Standards (CA Dept of Education): 2016 Educator Excellence Summit - Professional Standards The 2016 California Educator Excellence Summit will highlight the work of California’s local educational agencies (LEAs) as it relates to Greatness by Design: Supporting Outstanding Teaching to Sustain a Golden State. Our intention is to share promising practice
You REALLY Need to Shower: After Reading ONE MORE F***EDUP PRIVATIZED EDUCATION STORY - The Washington Post
The student loan scandal that just won’t die - The Washington Post: You REALLY Need to Shower After Reading ONE MORE F***EDUP Corporatize PRIVATIZED EDUCATION STORYThe student loan scandal that just won’t dieWhen Jon H. Oberg was a researcher at the Department of Education 13 years ago, he discovered a loophole that let student loan companies reap hundreds of millions of dollars in excessive paym
Sacramento’s next mayor must balance local needs, national stature | The Sacramento Bee
Sacramento’s next mayor must balance local needs, national stature | The Sacramento Bee: Sacramento’s next mayor must balance local needs, national statureBY THE EDITORIAL BOARDThe shape of the 2016 mayor’s race – and the future of Sacramento politics – changed dramatically in the space of a few hours.Mayor Kevin Johnson announced he will not seek a third four-year term. Even before that blockbust
CURMUDGUCATION: Can edTPA Be Gamed?: Can edTPA Be Gamed?Over at EdWeek, Steven Sawchuk is asking the musical question, "Are New Teacher Tests Vulnerable to Cheating?" I look forward to other tough-to-answer EdWeek articles like "Will the sun rise in the east tomorrow?" and "Does the Pope avoid bears in the woods?"The answer is, "Of course." edTPA (the "
Three-campus deal will keep Cohen in place, give Booker T. Washington to KIPP | The Lens
Three-campus deal will keep Cohen in place, give Booker T. Washington to KIPP | The Lens: Three-campus deal will keep Cohen in place, give Booker T. Washington to KIPPThe Recovery School District has awarded the yet-to-be-built $51 million Booker T. Washington High School to KIPP New Orleans Schools in an unexpected re-assignment of the building this week.KIPP was known to be in the market for a s
Charter School Black Hole: CMD Special Investigation Reveals Huge Info Gap on Charter Spending | PR Watch
Charter School Black Hole: CMD Special Investigation Reveals Huge Info Gap on Charter Spending | PR Watch: Charter School Black Hole: CMD Special Investigation Reveals Huge Info Gap on Charter Spending Madison, WI (CMD) – Today the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) is releasing a special report on its year-long investigation into charter schools spending in the United States. You can access the
North Carolina teacher exodus rises — despite efforts to halt attrition - The Washington Post
North Carolina teacher exodus rises — despite efforts to halt attrition - The Washington Post: North Carolina teacher exodus rises — despite efforts to halt attritionNorth Carolina has had a teacher turnover problem severe enough that the legislature last year passed a law to raise the salaries of some teachers to try to entice more to stay. But according to new state data, that rate rose in 2014-
Malloy Invites Bipartisan Budget Talks, Calls For Special Session - Wait What?
Malloy Invites Bipartisan Budget Talks, Calls For Special Session - Wait What?: Malloy Invites Bipartisan Budget Talks, Calls For Special SessionGovernor Dannel Malloy is calling for bipartisan budget talks and a special session to correct the problems in his state budget?If there was an award for the most apt headline of the year, it would go to CT Newsjunkie for their laugh-out-loud, stranger th
Newark: The day the dream died, Oct. 19, 2015–Part One | Bob Braun's Ledger
Newark: The day the dream died, Oct. 19, 2015–Part One | Bob Braun's Ledger: Newark: The day the dream died, Oct. 19, 2015–Part OneBaraka: What happened to Newark’s radical mayor?If a history of Newark public education is written, the date of Oct. 19, 2015, will go down as the day the dream died. It will be written up as the day the forces of selfishness and greed, as personified by the clown we i
How Good Schools and Good Intentions Widen the Achievement Gap - NEA Today
How Good Schools and Good Intentions Widen the Achievement Gap - NEA Today: How Good Schools and Good Intentions Widen the Achievement GapDebate around the achievement gap is usually dominated by issues such as urban poverty, segregation, and school funding. These factors unquestionably have an enormous impact on student outcomes, but why do disparities persist at well-funded, diverse and high-ach
CURMUDGUCATION: PA: Opt Out Bill Proposed
CURMUDGUCATION: PA: Opt Out Bill Proposed: PA: Opt Out Bill ProposedPA House Bill 1634 is as short as it is sweet. It adds the following language to the section of PA law that require the Keystone exams (our own version of the Big Standardized Test).(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, no child may be required to take a Keystone Exam if the parent or guardian of the chil
Russ on Reading: PARCC Test Results in NJ: Child Abuse on the Grand Scale
Russ on Reading: PARCC Test Results in NJ: Child Abuse on the Grand Scale: PARCC Test Results in NJ: Child Abuse on the Grand ScaleWell, the PARCC test results are out in New Jersey and to no one's surprise, the scores were low. Certainly the State Department of Education was not surprised, since they know that similar forms of the test had similar results in states like New York where an earlier
Baraka blasts critics for 'using our children' in charter school fight (VIDEO) | NJ.com
Baraka blasts critics for 'using our children' in charter school fight (VIDEO) | NJ.com: Baraka blasts critics for 'using our children' in charter school fight (VIDEO)NEWARK — A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it only took a few in a recent snapshot of Mayor Ras Baraka to cause a stir. The photo taken at a breast cancer rally on Sunday shows Baraka smiling with a number of girls dressed
Why The Democratic Presidential Debate Ignored Education | The Progressive
Why The Democratic Presidential Debate Ignored Education | The Progressive: Why The Democratic Presidential Debate Ignored EducationThe recent Democratic Party presidential debate in Las Vegas left many observers scratching their heads. Why did the candidates and their CNN hosts ignore K-12 education?Is education not important enough to merit discussion as a top national priority in 2016? The publ
Charter Grants from Arne Duncan Destabilize Under-Resourced Public Districts | janresseger
Charter Grants from Arne Duncan Destabilize Under-Resourced Public Districts | janresseger: Charter Grants from Arne Duncan Destabilize Under-Resourced Public DistrictsThere is growing evidence that we have a big problem with public money flowing to poorly regulated charter schools—schools that do a poor job of educating students and that find all sorts of ways to rip off the public and suck in ta
How a $100M Facebook Donation for Neoliberal School Reform Sparked a Grassroots Uprising in Newark | Democracy Now!
How a $100M Facebook Donation for Neoliberal School Reform Sparked a Grassroots Uprising in Newark | Democracy Now!: How a $100M Facebook Donation for Neoliberal School Reform Sparked a Grassroots Uprising in NewarkFive years ago, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg donated $100 million to fix the trouble-plagued schools of Newark, New Jersey. Joining forces with Republican Gov. Chris Christie and th
Gates’ “High Impact” Teacher Evaluation Process The Most Detrimental » Missouri Education Watchdog
Gates’ “High Impact” Teacher Evaluation Process The Most Detrimental » Missouri Education Watchdog: Gates’ “High Impact” Teacher Evaluation Process The Most DetrimentalAs school districts contemplate implementing the state recommended teacher evaluation system (aka, Marzano or Hazelwood plan) and the State Board of Education considers a “Report on District Alignment to the Essential Principles of
Education Research Report: Post-Katrina Education Reform Results Exaggerated
Education Research Report: Post-Katrina Education Reform Results Exaggerated: Post-Katrina Education Reform Results ExaggeratedA recent report from Public Impact and New Schools for New Orleans, Ten Years in New Orleans: Public School Resurgence and the Path Ahead, reviews the 10 years of education reform following Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, and the creation of a “portfolio model” of school
New Inglewood school district Broad Clone takes the helm | 89.3 KPCC
New Inglewood school district leader takes the helm | 89.3 KPCC: New Inglewood school district leader takes the helmVincent Matthews, the Inglewood Unified School District's new state administrator, got a warm welcome at a reception with parents, school staff, and civic leaders at the La Tijera Academy of Excellence Tuesday evening. “It’s an opportunity to build a rigorous, robust academic program
Alfie Kohn: Why teachers should reconsider their beliefs about learning - The Washington Post
Why teachers should reconsider their beliefs about learning - The Washington Post: Why teachers should reconsider their beliefs about learningHere is an examination of what teachers believe about students and learning and how those beliefs actually affect how they do their jobs. It was written by Alfie Kohn, author of 14 books on education, parenting, and human behavior, including, most recently,
In 19 States, It's Okay To Hit Kids With A Wooden Board
In 19 States, It's Okay To Hit Kids With A Wooden Board: In 19 States, It's Okay To Hit Kids With A Wooden BoardLaws in place despite evidence public humiliation is ineffective.Terry sat in his middle school principal’s office knowing that in a few short minutes, he would be feeling the pain and humiliation of being paddled.No parent, administrator or teacher should find this scenario acceptable.
Kevin Johnson Will Not Run For Third Term As Sacramento Mayor
Kevin Johnson Will Not Run For Third Term As Sacramento Mayor: Kevin Johnson Will Not Run For Third Term As Sacramento MayorKevin Johnson announced late Tuesday that he won’t be running for a third term as mayor of Sacramento. Statement on decision not to seek reelection. pic.twitter.com/eQrxNc0y7T— Kevin Johnson (@KJ_MayorJohnson) October 21, 2015The decision comes amid a wave of recent publicity
Teach for America’s biggest problem isn’t green teachers or failing schools. It’s that it can’t take criticism. - The Washington Post
Teach for America’s biggest problem isn’t green teachers or failing schools. It’s that it can’t take criticism. - The Washington Post: Teach for America’s biggest problem isn’t green teachers or failing schools. It’s that it can’t take criticism.The organization spends millions defanging its critics without ever listening to their ideas.If you’ve taught your way through Teach For America like I ha
What Kind of Country Would California Be? Very Unequal - On California - Education Week
What Kind of Country Would California Be? Very Unequal - On California - Education Week: What Kind of Country Would California Be? Very UnequalWe have read in this blog that California is exceptional. If California seceded from the union, it would surely be an exceptional nation...but in what way? Economically, California would rankeighth in the world, ahead of Canada, Italy, and Russia. Our kno
EXCLUSIVE: Billionaires donate $2M to pro-charter group - NY Daily News
EXCLUSIVE: Billionaires donate $2M to pro-charter group - NY Daily News: EXCLUSIVE: Two hedge fund billionaires donate $1M each to pro-charter school advocacy group Families for Excellent SchoolsOfficials at Families for Excellent Schools have declined to name the nonprofit’s funders since it was founded in 2012.Two hedge fund billionaires dropped $1 million each on a controversial charter school
John Thompson: The Gates Plan Failed in Tulsa, Now What? | Diane Ravitch's blog - Linkis.com
John Thompson: The Gates Plan Failed in Tulsa, Now What? | Diane Ravitch's blog - Linkis.com: John Thompson: The Gates Plan Failed in Tulsa, Now What? John Thompson, historian and teacher, wonders why the Gates Foundation is so slow to recognize the failure of his teacher evaluation initiative and mitigate the damage he has done to so many teachers who were unjustly fired. Here is the case of Tuls
Marcos Breton: Angelique Ashby to run for mayor of Sacramento | The Sacramento Bee
Marcos Breton: Angelique Ashby to run for mayor of Sacramento | The Sacramento Bee: Marcos Breton: Angelique Ashby to run for mayor of SacramentoAngelique Ashby, the only woman on the City Council, will announce Wednesday that she is running for mayor of Sacramento.Ashby’s announcement comes as Mayor Kevin Johnson told The Sacramento Bee that he will not seek a record third term in office.“Ultimat
PBS News Hour: teacher is leading an opposition to ‘excessive testing’” |
PBS News Hour: “At a school with a history of social protest, this teacher is leading an opposition to ‘excessive testing’” | I AM AN EDUCATOR: PBS News Hour: “At a school with a history of social protest, this teacher is leading an opposition to ‘excessive testing’”By I AM AN EDUCATOR on October 20, 2015A Couple of weeks ago, Gwen Ifill and the PBS News Hour crew flew to Seattle. They spent one
Mayor Kevin Johnson won’t seek re-election | The Sacramento Bee
Mayor Kevin Johnson won’t seek re-election | The Sacramento Bee: Mayor Kevin Johnson won’t seek re-electionSacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson will not seek a third term next year, The Sacramento Bee has learned.Johnson made the announcement in an email to The Bee late Tuesday, writing that “after much thought and soul-searching, (he has) decided not to run for a third term.”“It was an incredibly diffi
Seattle Schools Community Forum: The Alliance Doubles Down
Seattle Schools Community Forum: The Alliance Doubles Down: The Alliance Doubles DownUnbelievable but true. Not only does the Alliance say - via a Times op-ed by CEO Sara Morris and Jon Bridge - that the district is making a mistake in ending the relationship, they don't even admit they did a thing wrong. Kind of amazing considering that the district has been trying, for literally years and year
‘Friedrichs v. CTA’ – What you need to know about challenge to union dues | EdSource
‘Friedrichs v. CTA’ – What you need to know about challenge to union dues | EdSource: ‘Friedrichs v. CTA’ – What you need to know about challenge to union duesFriedrichs v. CTA: the Supreme Court Case That Could Destroy Labor Unions as We Know Them http://bit.ly/1OR9VSjSometime in early 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments in Friedrichs v. the California Teachers Association et al., a
NewsHour stands by the report: PBS NewsHour Clarification | Press | PBS NewsHour
PBS NewsHour Clarification | Press | PBS NewsHour: PBS NewsHour ClarificationNewsHour stands by the reportOn October 12, 2015, the PBS NewsHour aired a report from veteran education reporter John Merrow, based on nearly a year of reporting, about suspension policies of young children and one successful charter school network in New York City. The NewsHour stands by the report. However, the CEO of
RAINIER BEACH HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ TOWN HALL EVENT | Seattle Education: RAINIER BEACH HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS’ TOWN HALL EVENTTown Hall: Student Voices on Transportation & EducationAn evening of storytelling and collective actionWhen: Thursday October 22nd 6-8 PMWhere: Rainier Beach High School, Performing Arts Center 8815 Seward Park Ave S. Seattle, WA 98115Who: Students, Parents, Teachers,
BreakBeat Poets! by Krish Lingala | Bill Ayers
BreakBeat Poets! by Krish Lingala | Bill Ayers: BreakBeat Poets! by Krish Lingala Poets Quraysh Ali Lansana and Kevin Coval discussed their new book “The Breakbeat Poets: New American Poetry in the Age of Hip Hop” with educator and activist Bill Ayers at the Seminary Co-op Bookstore in Hyde Park last Sunday afternoon.“The Breakbeat Poets,” edited by Coval, Lansana and Chicago poet Nate Marshall, g
This Is What Has To Be Done [#WhyIWrite] | The Jose Vilson
This Is What Has To Be Done [#WhyIWrite] | The Jose Vilson: This Is What Has To Be Done [#WhyIWrite]I had the honor and pleasure of having my superintendent visit my classroom today. The first time didn’t go so well. The students were wrapping up group project business, but, to the naked eye, it might have looked like the kids were winding down the school year leisurely. Since then, I’ve had a phr
Economist Raj Chetty’s Proposals on Inequality Draw Interest on Both Sides of the Political Aisle - WSJ
Economist Raj Chetty’s Proposals on Inequality Draw Interest on Both Sides of the Political Aisle - WSJ: Economist Raj Chetty’s Proposals on Inequality Draw Interest on Both Sides of the Political AisleHarvard economist Raj Chetty believes bad neighborhoods and bad teachers rob poor children of the chance to climb into the middle class. PHOTO: BOB DAVIS/THE WALL STREET JOURNALCAMBRIDGE, Mass.—In a
Mitchell Chester, PARCC Consortium Chair, Turns His Back on PARCC | deutsch29
Mitchell Chester, PARCC Consortium Chair, Turns His Back on PARCC | deutsch29: Mitchell Chester, PARCC Consortium Chair, Turns His Back on PARCCMassachusetts Commissioner of Education Mitchell Chester has been pushing for PARCC assessments in Massachusetts. Chester is the chair of the PARCC consortium. As a member of PARCC’s governing board, he was supposed to have his state signed on for PARCC as
Jersey Jazzman: Christie's Pension Plan Won't Work?! I'm So Shocked...
Jersey Jazzman: Christie's Pension Plan Won't Work?! I'm So Shocked...: Christie's Pension Plan Won't Work?! I'm So Shocked... Well, duh:A new report from a Wall Street rating agency warns that Gov. Chris Christie's seemingly dormant plan to overhaul government worker pension and health benefits to save the state billions of dollars could come at a risk to school districts if Christie's proposed r
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 10/20/15
CORPORATE ED REFORMNY Commish wants to hear from YOU….maybe….. | Round the InkwellNY Commish wants to hear from YOU….maybe….. | Round the Inkwell: NY Commish wants to hear from YOU….maybe…..Today Mary Ellen Elia, the New York Commissioner, sent out this letter. She said she wants to hear from parents and educators about the Common Core. I clicked on the link, but I cannot find the survey. I sea