Malloy Invites Bipartisan Budget Talks, Calls For Special Session

Governor Dannel Malloy is calling for bipartisan budget talks and a special session to correct the problems in his state budget?
If there was an award for the most apt headline of the year, it would go to CT Newsjunkie for their laugh-out-loud, stranger than fiction, nine word summary of Governor Dannel Malloy’s latest budget ploy – Malloy Invites Bipartisan Budget Talks, Calls For Special Session
CT Mirror also did a great job cutting to the chase with, Malloy’s seeks new storyline with budget gambit.
The only thing better might have been a political cartoon of Governor Dannel Malloy holding the deflated budget in his hands with the tag line – who me? (Go Patriots)
As the voters of Connecticut know, during the 2014 gubernatorial campaign Dannel Malloy promised that if the voters gave him a second term in office he would NOT RAISE TAXES, would not CUT VITAL SERVICES and would NOT SEEK CONCESSIONS from the state employee unions.
In the language of political spin, it was a combined “Morning in America” and “Read My Lips” moment.
But of course, once sworn back into office, Malloy raised taxes, cut vital services and passed a budget that was not only out of balance from the start but left the state of Connecticut with a biannual budget shortfall in excess of $1.6 Billion for fiscal years FY2018 AND FY2019.
YES – A DEFICIT OF $1.6 BILLION … $927 million deficit in FY 2018 and another deficit of $831 million in FY 2019.
And while Malloy is now calling for bi-partisan talks and a special session, as the title of Malloy Invites Bipartisan Budget Talks, Calls For Special Session - Wait What?: