Watch "The Educratic Oath | Gus Morales | TEDxAmherst" Video at TEDxTalks
Watch "The Educratic Oath | Gus Morales | TEDxAmherst" Video at TEDxTalks: Watch "The Educratic Oath | Gus Morales Gus Morales is a teacher whose firing from Holyoke Public Schools prompted an investigation that prevented student’s scores from being publicly displayed. He will be speaking on how to reshape our education system to the needs of our students.Gus Morales is the curren
Using Student Journal Writing to Fight Bad School Reform
Using Student Journal Writing to Fight Bad School Reform: Using Student Journal Writing to Fight Bad School ReformEvery student should have a journal including most students with disabilities and ELL students. Journal writing is one of the best teaching techniques to show students that their voice matters and that their schools are about who they are and what they do.It also teaches students many
Brown's school budget reform: embraced, exploited - Inside Bay Area
Brown's school budget reform: embraced, exploited - Inside Bay Area: Brown's school budget reform: embraced, exploitedJust over a year after Gov. Jerry Brown gave schools more money in exchange for their commitment to spend more on the neediest students and involve parents in setting priorities, some schools have made dramatic changes in line with his intentions, while others have dipped into the
No surprise that charters in DC serve fewer at-risk students | @ THE CHALKFACE
No surprise that charters in DC serve fewer at-risk students | @ THE CHALKFACE: No surprise that charters in DC serve fewer at-risk studentsI’ve never heard of this blog before, but now I’m listening. Charter school lotteries don’t make schools more diverse. I looked into some of the actual data. You can draw your own conclusions, but I have two very interesting observations.One, I have a screensh
When Is Enough Enough? | Kaplan for Kids
When Is Enough Enough? | Kaplan for Kids: When Is Enough Enough? The first item involves a report just out from the University of Washington’s Center for Reinventing Public Education (CRPE) (Creepier than CREEP), the Center that awarded Denver Public Schools a bronze medal for being third best in the nation at implementing reform strategies. The study releasedtoday paints a very different picture
Sunrise charter school had warning signs before teachers were fired, resigned | News - Home
Sunrise charter school had warning signs before teachers were fired, resigned | News - Home: Sunrise charter school had warning signs before teachers were fired, resignedSchool board member says charter schools 'free-for-all'SUNRISE, Fla. -With roughly 270 students, the new Paramount Charter School in Sunrise has already received $740,000 in taxpayer-funded money and is slated to get about $3 mill
CCSSO Misses Arne Duncan. What Would Your Statement Regarding His Resignation Say? » Missouri Education Watchdog
CCSSO Misses Arne Duncan. What Would Your Statement Regarding His Resignation Say? » Missouri Education Watchdog: CCSSO Misses Arne Duncan. What Would Your Statement Regarding His Resignation Say?CCSSO mentions that it has been an honor to work with him in the pursuit of better outcomes for all kids. He is a sincere, committed leader who has been a partner with state chiefs in advancing student a
Jersey Jazzman: Chris Cerf Finally Sees The Light! Schools Need Adequate Funding
Jersey Jazzman: Chris Cerf Finally Sees The Light! Schools Need Adequate Funding: Chris Cerf Finally Sees The Light! Schools Need Adequate Funding It's taken years, but it appears that my most stubborn congregant, Chris Cerf, is finally starting to understand that money matters in education. Let me tell the tale of this poor sinner's ascent into grace:All the way back in 2012, when Cerf was New Je
Will Reformers Learn a Lesson From Newark? - Living in Dialogue
Will Reformers Learn a Lesson From Newark? - Living in Dialogue: Will Reformers Learn a Lesson From Newark?By John Thompson.When Dale Russakoff conceived of The Prize, she “viewed education reform from a distance but as a movement full of promise.” She was eager to follow the story of Mark Zuckerberg’s $100 million matching gift to the Newark schools. The subtitle, “Who’s in Charge of America’s
This crocodile problem had Scottish maths students in tears
This crocodile problem had Scottish maths students in tears: This crocodile math problem had Scottish students in tearsLONDON — How quick can a crocodile swim upstream to catch a zebra?Very few of us will ever know the answer, it seems, as the maths problem was one of many that brought Scottish sixth-form students (ages 16-18) to tears and resulted in the pass mark being lowered for their Higher M
Common Core Has Not Created Consistent Testing Standards
Common Core Has Not Created Consistent Testing Standards: Report: Common Core Has Not Created Consistent Testing Standards as IntendedThe primary purpose of Common Core’s implementation throughout the U.S. was to create a standardized testing system across states to level education requirements, but The New York Times found that the new guidelines have done nothing to spur this anticipated consist
CURMUDGUCATION: Utah's Brave New Pre-K World
CURMUDGUCATION: Utah's Brave New Pre-K World: Utah's Brave New Pre-K WorldUtah has decided that pre-school can be delivered as a software package.As reported Emma Brown in yesterday's Washington Post, the state has decided-- with the generous financial assistance of the federal government-- to try shrinking the entire pre-school experience into fifteen minutes a day of computer time. You get an id
LAUSD Rents Out Schools for Racy Entertainment | NBC Southern California
LAUSD Rents Out Schools for Racy Entertainment | NBC Southern California: LAUSD Rents Out Schools for Racy EntertainmentNBC4 investigates how some raunchy jokes and sexy shoots are interfering with student learningK-12 NEWS NETWORK'S THE WIRE: For Once, The Local Media Uncovers The LAUSD Wizard http://bit.ly/1RA2vm4This is the first of two stories on the impact on Hollywood filming on Los Angeles
Parents can’t opt out of Common Core testing, AG says | Arizona Capitol Times
Parents can’t opt out of Common Core testing, AG says | Arizona Capitol Times: Parents can’t opt out of Common Core testing, AG saysParents of students in public schools have no legal right to withdraw their children or opt out of statewide standardized tests, Attorney General Mark Brnovich concluded today.In a formal opinion, Brnovich acknowledged that state law does permit parents to exempt thei
Teach For America co-CEO Matt Kramer has announced that he is ‘stepping down.’ | Gary Rubinstein's Blog
CEO Ya! | Gary Rubinstein's Blog: CEO Ya!Teach For America co-CEO Matt Kramer has announced that he is ‘stepping down.’ His partner in crime, Elisa Villanueva-Beard, will be promoted to sole CEO. I expected some kind of top-level shakeup and predicted six months ago that one of them was on the way out.When Wendy Kopp resigned and they took over in March of 2013, TFA’s stock was at an all time hi
New Mexico’s Teacher Evaluation Lawsuit: Final Day Five | VAMboozled!
New Mexico’s Teacher Evaluation Lawsuit: Final Day Five | VAMboozled!: New Mexico’s Teacher Evaluation Lawsuit: Final Day FiveThe final day in the New Mexico’s Teacher Evaluation Lawsuit in Santa Fe was this past Thursday, October 8th. Unfortunately I could not attend day five (or day four) due to a prior travel engagement, but here are two articles that highlight the events of the final day (for
Education: Too much, too soon? (Opinion) - CNN.com
Education: Too much, too soon? (Opinion) - CNN.com: Are we hurting kids at school?Susan Ochshorn is the author of "Squandering America's Future: Why ECE Policy Matters for Equality, Our Economy, and Our Children." The views expressed are her own.(CNN)This fall, some 65,000 4-year-olds, backpacks hanging from their tiny frames, converged on the nation's largest public school district.In j
A New Report Gives a Discouraging Portrait of America's Urban Public School System - CityLab
A New Report Gives a Discouraging Portrait of America's Urban Public School System - CityLab: A Discouraging Portrait of America's Urban Public SchoolsThe report card for public and charter schools in 50 U.S. cities shows room for improvement.Researchers have examined the inequities between city schools districts and also evaluated the performance of urban charter schools. What they haven’t been a
American schools are modeled after factories and treat students like widgets. Right? Wrong. - The Washington Post
American schools are modeled after factories and treat students like widgets. Right? Wrong. - The Washington Post: American schools are modeled after factories and treat students like widgets. Right? Wrong.A worker prepares assembled stand mixers for packaging on the production line at the Whirlpool Corp. KitchenAid manufacturing facility in Greenville, Ohio, U.S., on Thursday, Sept. 24, 2015. (Lu
Teachers union changes stance in eval suit | Albuquerque Journal News
Teachers union changes stance in eval suit | Albuquerque Journal News: Teachers union changes stance in eval suitThe head of the American Federation of Teachers-New Mexico acknowledged that her union has changed its approach on the injunction it is seeking against teacher evaluations but denied that they have reduced their demands.Stephanie Ly, president of AFT-New Mexico, said the organization is
Expert: Common Core flawed in trying to standardize children
Expert: Common Core flawed in trying to standardize children: Expert: Common Core flawed in trying to standardize childrenLAKE GEORGE Common Core is not developmentally appropriate for students and was pushed down the throats of educators without teacher input, says a veteran educator who now speaks out against it.“This was not led by the states. It was fed to the states,” said Peg Luksik, chair
Tim Burgess, Bruce Harrell and Pamela Banks: Sleight of Hand in the 37th? | Seattle Education
Tim Burgess, Bruce Harrell and Pamela Banks: Sleight of Hand in the 37th? | Seattle Education: Tim Burgess, Bruce Harrell and Pamela Banks: Sleight of Hand in the 37th?From Seattlish:SEEC Complaint Alleges Shady Behavior in the 37th Dems EndorsementsBruce HarrellBruce Harrell’s campaign may be in some hot water following allegations that they essentially bought the 37th District Dems endorsements
Take That, Columbus! Celebrate NY Indigenous Peoples Day on Monday and Pow Wow This Weekend - ICTMN.com
Take That, Columbus! Celebrate NY Indigenous Peoples Day on Monday and Pow Wow This Weekend - ICTMN.com: Take That, Columbus! Celebrate NY Indigenous Peoples Day on Monday and Pow Wow This WeekendVincent Schilling10/6/15Featuring over 500 Native American artists, educators, singers, dancers and performing groups from across the Americas, the Redhawk Native American Arts Council is hosting an Indig
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 10/9/15
CORPORATE ED REFORMNational Union Leader Says 'Demonization' Of Teachers At Heart of Kansas's Struggles | KCURNational Union Leader Says 'Demonization' Of Teachers At Heart of Kansas's Struggles | KCUR: National Union Leader Says 'Demonization' Of Teachers At Heart of Kansas's StrugglesFor the past seven years, Randi Weingarten has led the American Federation of Teachers, one of the largest teache