More on the Big Changes with the SAT and why juniors should take the old SAT at least once before March 2016

As reported in yesterday’s Wait, What? Post,
“Current 11th graders are strongly encouraged to take the CURRENT SAT before the NEW SAT comes out in March. Colleges will continue to accept SAT scores earned prior to the NEW SAT rollout. In this way, students may also take the NEW SAT and compare scores, submitting the set of scores that is more favorable. This option (using the current SAT scores) will not be available to younger students. In other words, students in the Class of 2017 will be the last to have the option of using scores earned on the current SAT.” (Recommendation from the Guidance Department of E.O. Smith High School in Storrs, CT.)
Starting in March 2016 the College Board, which owns the lucrative PSAT and SAT testing systems, will be rolling out a NEW SAT which it claims is aligned to the “Common Core Standards”
The “primary author” of those Common Core Standards – a system that is causing so much controversy – took over as President of the College Board and immediately announced that he would do for the SAT what he did for the nation’s education standards.
And many of the same problems and issues that have arisen with the Common Core SBAC and Common Core PARCC tests are likely to appear with the new SAT.
Remember that the Common Core testing scheme was designed to fail the vast majority of More on the Big Changes with the SAT and why juniors should take the old SAT at least once before March 2016 - Wait What?: