Was the Seattle Times trying to control the narrative or are they that bad at reporting?

At 7:45 AM this morning, the Seattle Times reported the following:
Teachers still reported to picketing locations Tuesday morning, while about 500 union members, parents and students marched from Pioneer Square to district headquarters to show their support for teachers and celebrate the agreement.
At 7:45 this morning there was no agreement and the march planned, as I reported yesterday, was a time for parents and students to show support for their teachers. When the march was called, there was no word of either side coming close to an agreement. This was to be a show of solidarity with the teachers and their union.
This is what the organizers stated per my post:
We are wearing red to support our teachers. Bring signs with your school’s name and colors to show the district how many families and teachers are affected by their inaction.
In this video, people in the march were shouting “Fair contract now!”, not like they have a fair contract now but demanding that the district agree to the requests made by the SEA bargaining team.
Whether the Times, which has been bought by big money, was trying to control the narrative or they are really that bad at reporting, neither is good. So, when the Times calls about you renewing your subscription, remember how one-sided and/or inept their reporting was of an event that happened in the same city they are headquartered.
To follow are photos of the event which do not show a celebration of an agreement but a Was the Seattle Times trying to control the narrative or are they that bad at reporting? | Seattle Education: