How #EducationReform is Done. Circumvent the Legislature & Use a ‘Coalition of the Willing’

The Missouri State Board Meeting was held yesterday and one of the items for discussion (VIII, D) was Use of Student Growth Measures in the Evaluation Process.DESE’s Paul Katnik delivered a powerpoint and answered questions from State Board members about the use of student data (not aggregate data) in the evaluation process for teachers. The powerpoint may be found here: Use of Student Growth Measures in the Evaluation Process
My notes from the meeting:
Katnik began his report to the Board. The use of student data is one way districts will evaluate teachers and principals. This will affect 67,000 Missouri teachers and this use of student data will ‘help teachers teach better’. We looked at practices, content and how it is assessed. Did the teacher have an effect on student learning? Can we verify improvement? Instructional reform? We’ve always been about improvement and growth, not ‘just’ accountability. Missouri is different from other states; we measure growth in data (growth is over a period of time) vs achievement (a snapshot on how a student performs on one day).
The Student Learning Objective (SLO) training helped teacher to determine how their lessons fit into the standards. Katnik stated more important is the data we are getting to show what we need to do. If educators don’t show the growth, they can be terminated.
Peter Herschend, Board Member and Past President: How will you come back to the Board and show how the system is actually working? Is there a rubric to show how the system is actually working? What is the impact on student learning?
Katnik: It keeps bringing you that data. If you are truly using this effectively you should see the growth.
Charlie Shields, Current Board President: Everything I have dealt with in nationally benchmarked.
Katnik: The authority to determine teacher evaluation is at the local level according to Missouri statute.
Joseph Driskell, Board Member: What kind of local buy in do you have from the districts?
Katnik: We have 6 areas this year for districts. Next year will have to draw in student growth. We have hadHow #EducationReform is Done. Circumvent the Legislature & Use a ‘Coalition of the Willing’ » Missouri Education Watchdog: