Wait, What? Needs your help

Wait, What? is dedicated to informing readers about the truth enveloping policy and politics in Connecticut. If you believe Wait, What? plays in important role, please donate so we can continue our mission.
Since January 2012, a total of 2,124 articles have been posted to Wait, What? Together they have generated more than 1.8 million hits making the blog one of the most read commentary sites in Connecticut.
Dedicated to revealing the truth about the Corporate Education Reform Industry’s attack on public schools and holding elected officials accountable for their actions, What,What? has been the first to report on a variety of key issues and has provided vital background on some of the most critically important policy and political issues that have arisen in recent years.
However, without greater reader support, What, What? simply can’t continue to play the role it has over the past four and a half years.
If you read Wait, What? If you believe the information provided is helpful and important to get into the public domain, please make as generous contribution as you can.
If Wait, What? is driven by a single concept it can be found in the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who said,
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.“
Together we can continue to make a difference. But frankly, without you, Wait, What? simply can not continue.
Please donate by going to: DONATE ON LINE TO WAIT, WHAT?
Or write a check made out to Wait, What? and send it to Wait, What? PO Box 400, Storrs, CT. 06268
Thank you so much,
Jonathan Wait, What? Needs your help - Wait What?: