Hypocrisy on exhibit at L.A.’s Broad museum opening.

UTLA teachers outside. Froo-froo inside.
While Bill Clinton and other members of the froo-froo class drank white wine and dined on finger food inside the new Broad Museum in Los Angeles, a thousand L.A. teachers protested the role many of the rich inside played in promoting charter schools and defeating California’s Prop 30, a proposal to raise taxes to fund public schools, including arts program funding.
Jay Davis, an art teacher at Augustus F. Hawkins High School, spoke to the assembled protesters about the importance of art in schools and communities.“We’re grateful to send a clear message together to say that arts literacy isn’t something you just buy and hang on a wall, or simply absorb through a passing gaze in a museum,” Davis said.Beyond arts funding, protesters raised concerns with Broad’s charter school plan, which, according to (UTLA President Alex) Caputo-Pearl, will entail “half a billion to a billion dollars” to fund charter schools, taking students out of LAUSD schools.Caputo-Pearl said charter schools, which are not managed transparently by a public entity, do not have to follow the same guidelines as public schools, are prone to specially pick students for admission and do not facilitate a public process for teachers to interact with parents.
The Los Angeles Times was gushing in reporting about the party thrown by billionaire Eli and his wife, Edye Broad.
Another gala opening Friday for nearly 700 more guests, and anotherHypocrisy on exhibit at L.A.’s Broad museum opening. | Fred Klonsky:
Big Education Ape: Teachers union holds protest outside Broad museum on opening day - LA Times http://bit.ly/1FWf5W3