Washington State Constitutional Showdown Between Legislature and Supreme Court

So much for kumbaya. In a throwdown to the Supreme Court, the Senate Majority Caucus of the Legislature issued this letter today to Speaker Frank Chopp, and Senate Minority Caucus leader, Senator Sharon Nelson and House Caucus leader, Rep Dan Kristiansen.
Proportional response? Is that a threat?
They start off saying how hard they have worked on McCleary and that they are continuing.
This extraordinary order presents a clear threat to our state legislature as an institution. It demands a frank and open discussion among members and the constituents we represent regarding a proportional response.
Proportional response? Is that a threat?
They start off saying how hard they have worked on McCleary and that they are continuing.
Legislative members will continue to debate differing ideas on the best way to improve education via reforms, prioritizing existing resources, and finding sources of new funding. These differences will be resolved through the legislative process which is the most effective means of harmonizing various geographic, economic, and philosophic divisions within a political body.
Yes, because now the more important issue - than the paramount duty of the State in the Constitution - is to have a face-off with the Court.
They believe the Court has violated at least five provisions of the Constitution.
Yes, because now the more important issue - than the paramount duty of the State in the Constitution - is to have a face-off with the Court.
They believe the Court has violated at least five provisions of the Constitution.
However, our concerns with the order have nothing to do with the surface issue of education funding. It is because the court's order circumvents this process, that it Seattle Schools Community Forum: Washington State Constitutional Showdown Between Legislature and Supreme Court:
Great Idea: Any Seattle Preschooler and City's Program
Now that the Board accepted money to open three of the City's preschool programs (with about 11 others opening in SPS sites previously run by other providers), the Seattle Council Special Ed PTA has this notice:
Families with preschoolers,
I urge our families with preschoolers to apply for the Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) at any site.
Your child will still be due the services, modifications and accommodations on her/his IEP, of course. Seattle Schools has partnered with the City of Seattle's preschool program.
At this time the difference between an SPP classroom and a Developmental Preschool classroom is that your child will receive more than double the hours, in an integrated setting. Lunch is provided. And of course you get transportation.
Please share this with any families you think may benefit from this new opportunity.
That's a fine idea that ANY Seattle preschooler could have access to a 6-hour
Families with preschoolers,
I urge our families with preschoolers to apply for the Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) at any site.
Your child will still be due the services, modifications and accommodations on her/his IEP, of course. Seattle Schools has partnered with the City of Seattle's preschool program.
At this time the difference between an SPP classroom and a Developmental Preschool classroom is that your child will receive more than double the hours, in an integrated setting. Lunch is provided. And of course you get transportation.
Please share this with any families you think may benefit from this new opportunity.
That's a fine idea that ANY Seattle preschooler could have access to a 6-hour