5 things parents did in one CNY district to get so many to opt out of state tests

In New York Mills, a small school district in Oneida County, 77 percent of students opted out of the state's Common Core math test and 74 percent opted out of the English examination.
The district had the highest percentage of students to opt out of the exams in the six-county Central New York region, according to a syracuse.com analysis of state Education Department data.
The district was in the top 15 for the highest opt out rates in the state, the data shows. There are more than 650 districts in the state.
The median rate statewide was about 20 percent refusing to take the test.
What happened in New York Mills? Why was the opt out rate so high?
We asked one of the organizers, Kate Despins, a parent in the district, what parents did to get students to opt out:
1. Used social media extensively. Parents shared their message and their feelings why it was important to opt out on Facebook, and used it as a platform to keep residents informed.
2. Held meetings, educated other residents. Encouraged people to attend meetings where the issue was discussed. The core group of parents organizing the opt-out movement answered questions and fears that their child would be hurt by not taking the test, or that their small school district would lose funding.
"We were able to, as a solid unit, ask the right questions and find the best answers,'' Despins said.
3. Won the respect of the school board, administration and teachers for their position. The school board adopted a resolution supporting the parents' opposition to the testing. Students who opted out where given an alternate room to study in, and were treated respectfully, Despins said.
4. Got the word out everywhere. Distributed flyers, held up signs supporting the opt-out movement outside the school and had opt-out letters ready to distribute at several forums held in the community.
5. Used the small community nature of New York Mills to their advantage.They talked to each other and to their children, so they all understood the issues.
"We are a small community and we talk to each other,'' Despins said. "If someone sneezes in New York Mills, we all know it. We see the same people at sporting events, at the grocery store and everywhere else, and we talk. We stick together, and we inform each other."
Despins said the high opt-out rate is because parents there understand the issues.
"We fought for our school, our kids, our teachers. We will continue to do so. We stand up against what is wrong and fight for change,'' she said.
Despins said many parents believe the tests are too difficult, poorly designed and ineffective, with straight A students failing with no explanation.
State education officials, however, say the tests are effective ways to measure student and school progress, and determine who needs extra help.5 things parents did in one CNY district to get so many to opt out of state tests | syracuse.com: