Seattle opt out numbers for 2014-2015. It’s on!

Seattle had an incredible first year resisting the SBAC.
Let’s take a look at the final numbers and see what happened. It’s also worth noting Seattle’s opt out numbers turned out to be higher than what was initially reported by OSPI in July.
11th Grade
Seattle’s 11th graders captured the media’s attention with their willingness to step up and opt out. This became such a phenomenon John Oliver mentioned Nathan Hale in his profanity laced take down of high stakes testing.
What do the final numbers look like? A mind blowing 76.1% of 11th graders opted out of the ELA and 80.5% for Math.
For ELA, this translates into 2,425 students.
For Math, this translates into 2,557 students.

What’s also interesting is a significant number of 3rd through 8th grade students opted out. After the OSPI press release, the narrative became parents of 3rd through 8th grade students must be OK with the SBAC.
Granted, the final numbers aren’t as stunning as the 11th grade. That said, the final count was high enough to throw a wrench in the system. Each grade, from 3rd to 8th, failed to meet the 95% participation requirement. That’s quite an accomplishment for the first year of resistance to a brand new assessment.
It’s important to remember that these are the kids who will face the SBAC as a graduation requirement. Now is the time to rise up and squash it, before more harm is done.
Below is a break down of the opt out numbers by grade. (Click on the image to enlarge. Opt outs are listed as “No Score”)
3rd Grade
OSPI Not Tested Report for 3rd grade ELA. Student refusal = 118.
In final report, total students with no score = 235. Total refusal rate of 5.3%
In final report, total students with no score = 235. Total refusal rate of 5.3%
OSPI Not Tested Report for 3rd grade Math. Student refusal = 121.
In final report, total students with no score = 245. Total refusal rate of 5.5%

4th Grade
OSPI Not Tested Report for 4th grade ELA. Student refusal = 145.