Bending Toward Justice: BATS Congress and the Fight Against Corporate Education Reform Taking Back the Power of Teachers
BATS Congress: Bending Toward Justice: BATS Congress and the Fight Against Corporate Education Reform Taking Back the Power of TeachersBe the change that you wish to see in the world.—Mahatma GandhiNearly a year ago today, I joined an inspiring band of intrepid activists who made their way to the nation’s capital to protest the impact of high stakes testing and corporate education reform. We arriv
On Ron Thorpe and The Bridge Between Teaching and Leading | The Jose Vilson
On Ron Thorpe and The Bridge Between Teaching and Leading | The Jose Vilson: On Ron Thorpe and The Bridge Between Teaching and LeadingA few years ago, John Holland and I started this blog called The Future of Teaching [now defunct], dedicated to the themes of the book Teaching2030: What We Must Do … When we first started in 2009, we wanted a clearer vision for what teacher leadership looks like in
Orange County teachers union president, board relieved of duties | www.wftv.com
Orange County teachers union president, board relieved of duties | www.wftv.com: Orange County teachers union president, board relieved of dutiesORANGE COUNTY, Fla. —Orange County Classroom Teachers Association President Diana Moore, union officers and the board of directors have been relieved of their duties, according to officials with the American Federation of Teachers.The AFT announced Wednes
Julian can’t go to the school next to his house–”One Newark” and Chris Cerf won’t allow it | Bob Braun's Ledger
Julian can’t go to the school next to his house–”One Newark” and Chris Cerf won’t allow it | Bob Braun's Ledger: Julian can’t go to the school next to his house–”One Newark” and Chris Cerf won’t allow itSara Ferreira looks at the playground behind her house–the Oliver Street playground–where her son cannot go to school.Sara Da Silva-Ferreira stands at the fence at the back of the property members
NYC Public School Parents: The city's attempt to bury the news of its rejection of the Blue Book Working Group's recommendations on class size
NYC Public School Parents: The city's attempt to bury the news of its rejection of the Blue Book Working Group's recommendations on class size: The city's attempt to bury the news of its rejection of the Blue Book Working Group's recommendations on class sizeYesterday, in the middle of summer, the DOE finally released the recommendations of its own Blue Book working group, recommendations which ha
U.S.: Georgia illegally segregating students with disabilities in inferior buildings with inadequate instruction - The Washington Post
U.S.: Georgia illegally segregating students with disabilities in inferior buildings with inadequate instruction - The Washington Post: U.S.: Georgia illegally segregating students with disabilities in inferior buildings with inadequate instructionThe U.S. Justice Department is accusing the state of Georgia of segregating thousands of students with behavior-based disabilities from their peers in i
Bloomberg Is No Longer Mayor, but His Schools Agenda Thrives in Albany - NYTimes.com
Bloomberg Is No Longer Mayor, but His Schools Agenda Thrives in Albany - NYTimes.com: Bloomberg Is No Longer Mayor, but His Schools Agenda Thrives in AlbanyFormer Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has been out of office for a year and a half, but his influence over New York schools is practically as strong as ever.A group devoted to continuing his education agenda and founded in part by his longtime scho
Forty Years Later | Taking Note
Forty Years Later | Taking Note: Forty Years LaterPublic Law 94-142, “The Education of All Handicapped Children Act of 1975,” passed not long after I began reporting on education, and it became the first issue that I dug into deeply on my weekly NPR series. A lot has happened since then, much of it very positive, which makes the 40th Anniversary an occasion to celebrate–while continuing to search
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Duncan big on accountability. But not his own.
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Duncan big on accountability. But not his own.: Duncan big on accountability. But not his own.Arne Duncan is the great educational know-nothing. As a result, he loads his speeches up with empty clichés and meaningless phases in place of solid dialog about teaching and learning.In a speech Monday at the University of Maryland Baltimore County, Duncan tells his faithfu
Four unintended consequences of using student test scores to evaluate teachers - The Washington Post
Four unintended consequences of using student test scores to evaluate teachers - The Washington Post: Four unintended consequences of using student test scores to evaluate teachersAs any even semi-regular reader of this blog knows, the practice of using student standardized test scores to evaluate teachers is riddled with problems. I’ve written before about some of the more ridiculous consequences
2015’s States with the Best and Worst School Systems | WalletHub®
2015’s States with the Best and Worst School Systems | WalletHub®: 2015’s States with the Best and Worst School SystemsSource: WalletHubUnless one is destined for the ranks of wildly successful college dropouts like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, education remains the traditional route to professional and financial success for many Americans. Consider themedian incomes for workers aged 25 and old
If Congress Finally Overhauls NCLB, Are States Ready?
If Congress Finally Overhauls NCLB, Are States Ready?: If Congress Finally Overhauls NCLB, Are States Ready?For the first time in more than a decade, the House and Senate have passed bills to rewrite the No Child Left Behind law and give states more freedom in education.Congress is closer than it's been in years to rewriting the nation's signature education law. Both the House and the Senate passe
Fun, Outrage, and Truth: Corporate Education Reform on Mock Trial | Education Town Hall Forum
Fun, Outrage, and Truth: Corporate Education Reform on Mock Trial | Education Town Hall Forum: Archives, Announcements, & Extended Discussion on Weekly Broadcasts...: Fun, Outrage, and Truth: Corporate Education Reform on Mock TrialThe recent education Mock Trial had everything from court outbursts, gavel smashes, to witness badgering. The trial was a lot of fun but still had an underlying ser
What Did the Senate Just Give Us? Looking at Every Child Achieves (Part I) | Truth in American Education
What Did the Senate Just Give Us? Looking at Every Child Achieves (Part I) | Truth in American Education: What Did the Senate Just Give Us? Looking at Every Child Achieves (Part I)Sadly, despite clear and detailed warnings from parents, teachers, activists, and policy experts, the US Senate passed its rewrite of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB)/Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) called T
In One-Party North Carolina, Elected Supreme Court Upholds School Vouchers | janresseger
In One-Party North Carolina, Elected Supreme Court Upholds School Vouchers | janresseger: In One-Party North Carolina, Elected Supreme Court Upholds School VouchersIn North Carolina last week, the Charlotte Observer editorialized, “The legislature voted 4-3 along party lines… to approve taxpayer–funded vouchers for private schools. Oh wait, that wasn’t the legislature. That was the N.C. Supreme
LAUSD- A RESPONSE FROM THE HOBART SHAKESPEAREANS COMMUNITY IN SUPPORT OF RAFE ESQUITH - Perdaily.com: LAUSD- A RESPONSE FROM THE HOBART SHAKESPEAREANS COMMUNITY IN SUPPORT OF RAFE ESQUITHIn the following video, A Response From the Hobart Shakespeareans, Sir Ian McKellen, a self-professed "admirer" of the Los Angeles Unified School District's latest falsely targeted teacher Rafe Esquith a
Senate’s ESEA rewrite would do away with supplanting rule :: SI&A Cabinet Report
Senate’s ESEA rewrite would do away with supplanting rule :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet: Senate’s ESEA rewrite would do away with supplanting rule(District of Columbia) A compromise revision of the nation’s primary education law would essentially eliminate long-standing federal prohibitions on using Title I dollars to replace or supplant s
The Sham and Scam called the Common Core - Wait What?
The Sham and Scam called the Common Core - Wait What?: The Sham and Scam called the Common CoreThe Common Core test is designed to fail the vast majority of public schools students, including up to 9 in 10 students who aren’t proficient in the English Language or require special education help.School districts have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on textbooks that don’t even align to the Com
TFA endorses Murphy’s Law | Gary Rubinstein's Blog
TFA endorses Murphy’s Law | Gary Rubinstein's Blog: TFA endorses Murphy’s LawMurphy’s Law can be summarized as “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.” Murphy’s Amendment was a proposed amendment to the recently reauthorized version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The last reauthorization of ESEA in 2002 was known as No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and is generally consider
Schools Matter: The Real Story Behind Mike Pence’s Charter School Speech
Schools Matter: The Real Story Behind Mike Pence’s Charter School Speech: The Real Story Behind Mike Pence’s Charter School SpeechIn an address to a large crowd yesterday at the Westin Hotel, Mike Pence announced that 22 new charter schools will open in Indiana in the next three years. Pence spoke at a conference sponsored by Charter Schools USA, a Florida-based company ran by longtime Bush famil
The Complicated Problem Of Race And Special Education
The Complicated Problem Of Race And Special Education: The Complicated Problem Of Race And Special EducationA study released last month by the American Educational Research Association found that minority students are underrepresented in special education services. This same study raised suspicion around the racial imbalance among special education students andcontradicted previous findings that s
7 things I wish people understood about being a teacher - Vox
7 things I wish people understood about being a teacher - Vox: 7 things I wish people understood about being a teacherEverything you need to know about the Common CoreBefore I decided to teach high school, I made a list of the things I enjoy doing: discussing books and movies, playing music, being around kids, basketball, cooking. I ruled out a few career paths immediately. I knew from working res
Alabama’s governor makes surprising — and scary — education appointment - The Washington Post
Alabama’s governor makes surprising — and scary — education appointment - The Washington Post: Alabama’s governor makes surprising — and scary — education appointmentWhat message is a governor sending to the public with an appointment like this?Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley has tapped someone to your state’s Board of Education who never attended public schools, publicly declared that his children ne
Cook: Think tank's effort to discredit teachers union fails
Cook: Think tank's effort to discredit teachers union fails: Cook: Think tank’s effort to discredit union failsPublic school employees work in a field that is both challenging and rewarding. Their dedication to their students and their profession should be recognized and lauded. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Public school employees have not been treated well by politicians and specia
Campbell Brown Plans to Explain Common Core | deutsch29
Campbell Brown Plans to Explain Common Core | deutsch29: Campbell Brown Plans to Explain Common CoreCampbell Brown is going to help America understand what Common Core really is. So she says as part of her July 28, 2015, interview with Jon Ward of Yahoo! Politics:What we want to do with Common Core is explain it. Just put honesty and truth back into the debate….I just published a book on the histo
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 7/28/15
SPECIAL NITE CAP CORPORATE ED REFORMShame on the Ohio House for pushing off action on critical charter school reform bill:Shame on the Ohio House for pushing off till September action on critical charter school reform bill: editorial | cleveland.com: Shame on the Ohio House for pushing off till September action on critical charter school reform bill: editorialThe Ohio House shamelessly blew it las