In the following video, A Response From the Hobart Shakespeareans, Sir Ian McKellen, a self-professed "admirer" of the Los Angeles Unified School District's latest falsely targeted teacher Rafe Esquith and many of Mr. Esquith's students and others talk about what has become at LAUSD the all too rare experience of receiving an excellent substantive and generally supportive education from Mr. Esquith. Regrettably, at LAUSD this seems only to have made Mr. Esquith and the program he built a target of LAUSD administration.
Clearly, at LAUSD only the rhetoric is supposed to be excellent, but the actual educating of predominantly poor and minority students to finally allow them to reach their potentials will not be tolerated, because it challenges an entrenched and self-severing administrative culture whose previleges will end if the focus is allowed to return to the classroom as it is in every successful public education system.
Clearly the message from LAUSD administration is that if you actually educate all students in what amounts to a rather straight forward and timely process as Mr. Esquith and other have done, look out! This offensive, paternatistic, and expensive top-down LAUSD administrative culture, that presently sucks a disproportionate amount of the money out of the educational process for its vendors and patrons, will not tolerate the excellent education system they say they want, but in reality will do everything to stop.
For LAUSD, Rafe Esquith and teachers like him are dangerous, because if they are allowed to continue unfettered, generations of LAUSD proactively maintained mediocrity will fall by the wayside, when the public finally asks, "Well, if Esquith can get such phenomenal results out of these predominantly minority students, why can't other LAUSD schools? And why is it that Mr. Esquith is being targeted in the first place with defamatory charges that LAUSD administration keeps belately hauling out the more they feel threatened by Esquith...and his attorneys at Geragos & Geragos, "How dare he lawyer up to defend himself."
If you allow Mr. Esquith to continue, we might just arrive at a point where a highly educated actual majority gets control of public education. And that majority in California, like at LAUSD, is Latino.
If you or someone you know has been targeted and are in the process of being dismissed and need legal defense, get in touch:
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Do you find the media and their "teachers-suck," "power to principals," "privatization is the best thing that's happened to public schools" disgusting and distasteful? The powers that be may "control" the main media but it's people like us who control the SOCIAL MEDIA. Hungry for more information about crusading educators going against the grain to do LAUSD- A RESPONSE FROM THE HOBART SHAKESPEAREANS COMMUNITY IN SUPPORT OF RAFE ESQUITH -