Criticize Common Core in AZ, and Dept of Ed Official Might Call You a “F***tard”

In September 2013, the Arizona Daily Star noted that then-Governor Jan Brewer “ordered state agencies to stop using the term ‘Common Core’ when referring to the new education standards, in response to hostility from critics over what they see as a federal intrusion.”
The Daily Star article continues:
In an executive order, the governor said she was “reaffirming Arizona’s right to set education policy.” Her order spells out “no standards or curriculum shall be imposed on Arizona by the federal government.”But it concedes the standards adopted by the state Board of Education in 2010 already are being implemented. And Brewer herself referred to them as Common Core in her State of the State speech and her budget request to the Legislature.Press aide Andrew Wilder said the order changes nothing except the name, which going forward will be “Arizona’s College and Career Ready Standards.’’
Brewer’s decision was arguably a sleight-o-name intended to fool the Arizona public into accepting Common Core.
Still, there were critics in Arizona, vocal critics like teacher Brad McQueen.
If anyone insists that Common Core is not politically loaded, send that person this June 2014 story out of Arizona:
By Brad McQueenEver wonder why more public classroom teachers don’t speak out against the Common Core and their Superintendents of Instruction and Governors who support it?I am a Tucson teacher who wrote my first anti-Common Core op-ed this past February in the Arizona Daily Independent and it was subsequently reprintedCriticize Common Core in AZ, and Dept of Ed Official Might Call You a “F***tard” | deutsch29: