Terrific Tuesday! Anti CCSS News

Hi Anti CCSS Warriors, it’s been a whirlwind of busy times for the CC Diva, but have no fear, I’m back with anti Common Core news you can use!! I’m breaking from the my “From the Files” Tuesday to bring you important information. Please read on….
Fresh from the News:
The HR5, aka “Every Child Succeeds” Act (the most current name to the re-authorization of No Child Left Behind) is set to be back in front of our Congress members in the upcoming week. However, don’t stop there. The HEA, aka “Higher Education Act” re-authorization is ALSO being fast tracked. Why? Well for starters, BOTH are being re-written by the SAME pro CCSS/CTE Congress member. At least he’s heading up the re-write team. Sen. Alexander has a long track record of education reform that’s down right scary. Many anti CCSS warriors, myself included, have warned of his activity, some for a very long time, and others, more recent.
While the HR5 has gotten most of the spotlight due to the K-12th grade nature, please don’t overlook the post-secondary bill or think the CCSS/CTE moves begun in the HR5 will stop once your student graduates high school. Far from it, the purpose and intent is to CONTINUE the CCSS/CTE pipeline from one bill to the other! All the curriculum alignment, the assessments, and the data mining are locked in from PreK-20. But, stop to consider, what if I’m an older adult seeking to go back and earn a degree from a post-secondary school.. you’ll be in the pipeline too!
While I Was Away:
When I last posted it was a few days ago. Since then I’ve attended an out of state educational conference which catered to home educators. While Common Core wasn’t a main feature I did observe quite a bit of the CC in plain sight. Trouble was, not many Terrific Tuesday! Anti CCSS News | commoncorediva: