Special Nite Cap


Let the Kids Learn Through Play - NYTimes.com
Let the Kids Learn Through Play - NYTimes.com:Let the Kids Learn Through PlayTWENTY years ago, kids in preschool, kindergarten and even first and second grade spent much of their time playing: building with blocks, drawing or creating imaginary worlds, in their own heads or with classmates. But increasingly, these activities are being abandoned for the teacher-led, didactic instruction typically u
The Alleged Public School Monopoly and the Fraudulent Civil Rights Movement of our Time | Crazy Normal - the Classroom Exposé
The Alleged Public School Monopoly and the Fraudulent Civil Rights Movement of our Time | Crazy Normal - the Classroom Exposé: The Alleged Public School Monopoly and the Fraudulent Civil Rights Movement of our TimeIt is highly arguable with evidence and data that the corporate education reform movement mostly funded by a handful of billionaire oligarchs is driven by endless oxymorons. For instance
Why Teachers Teach - Badass Teachers Association
Badass Teachers Association: Why Teachers TeachBY MARLA KILFOYLE AND MELISSA TOMLINSONORIGINALLY POSTED ON L.A. PROGRESSIVE HTTPS://WWW.LAPROGRESSIVE.COM/WHY-TEACHERS-TEACH/Marla: I became a teacher 29 years ago. In my family this was an astounding accomplishment because I was the first to go to college. My mother, who was a single mother my whole life, worked hard to keep food on the table and p
Selling Solutions Is Not the Same As Solving Problems | WagTheDog
Selling Solutions Is Not the Same As Solving Problems | WagTheDog: Selling Solutions Is Not the Same As Solving ProblemsBack in 1994, Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich supported sweeping changes andcontroversial reforms to U.S. welfare policy;“The GOP’s Contract With America would give states the authority to deny Aid to Families with Dependent Children to mothers under age 21 and use the presum
There Is No Protection For Student Data » Missouri Education Watchdog
There Is No Protection For Student Data » Missouri Education Watchdog: There Is No Protection For Student Data“The control of information is something the elite always does, particularly in a despotic form of government. Information, knowledge, is power. If you can control information, you can control people.” – Tom ClancyElectronic information certainly hurt Missouri Republicans this week. We all
When an Education Reformer says “Turnaround” - Don’t! - Wait What?
When an Education Reformer says “Turnaround” - Don’t! - Wait What?: When an Education Reformer says “Turnaround” — Don’t!Education Advocate Wendy Lecker has another column out and it is once again in the “MUST READ” category.Her latest piece is part one of a multi-series takedown of those who use fiction rather than facts to fancifully present the term “school turnaround” as if it was a magic bull
CURMUDGUCATION: Get the New Orleans Story Out
CURMUDGUCATION: Get the New Orleans Story Out: Get the New Orleans Story OutI have even more interest in the New Orleans Recovery School District than ever, because while nobody was looking, the idea of such a school district seems to have skulked its way into Pennsylvania.New Orleans is a reformster's dream, a school district where all of that messy democratically-controlled local public school s
Russ on Reading: Derailing the Public Schools
Russ on Reading: Derailing the Public Schools: Derailing the Public Schools As yet we don’t know what caused the horrific crash of the Amtrak train in Philadelphia this week. Human error? Mechanical malfunction? Delayed technology? The crash happened less than 20 miles from my home on a stretch of track that I travel regularly into Philly or Washington. As a frequent traveler, I can assure one an
The Selling of New Orleans | EduShyster
The Selling of New Orleans | EduShyster: The Selling of New OrleansNew Orleans-style education reform is being touted as a model for other cities. But should it be?As the 10th anniversary of Katrina approaches, we’ll be awash in claims that the replacement of New Orleans’ public schools with a market-based, all charter school system is a model for other cities. I aim to challenge this narrative wi
El SNTE y AFT firman declaración conjunta en defensa de la educación
El SNTE y AFT firman declaración conjunta en defensa de la educación: El SNTE y AFT firman declaración conjunta en defensa de la educaciónEnfrentamos los mismos desafíos preservar y fortalecer la escuela pública El Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTE) y la American Federation of Teachers (AFT) acordaron defender la escuela pública y la profesión docente.Los presidentes de ambo
What happens when students boycott a standardized test - Business Insider
What happens when students boycott a standardized test - Business Insider: What happens when students boycott a standardized testStandardized tests have been an integral part of the American school routine since the 1970s, the protocol changing very little.Children were told to put away their books; to fill in the bubbles, with No. 2 pencils, completely; and, when the time was up, to immediately p
Mom says son lost valedictorian honor after message on standardized test - + KSHB.com
Mom says son lost valedictorian honor after message on standardized test - + KSHB.com: Mom says son lost valedictorian honor after message on standardized testRICHMOND, Mo. - Thursday afternoon, Judy Hillegas received a startling call from Richmond High School concerning her son Miles and his AP Physics II test.The mother of the prospective valedictorian was baffled at what could be wrong.“I thoug
Audit of CPS' procedures for rewarding noncompetive deals to be delayed - Chicago Tribune
Audit of CPS' procedures for rewarding noncompetive deals to be delayed - Chicago Tribune: Audit of CPS' procedures for rewarding noncompetive deals to be delayed A review of how Chicago Public Schools awards noncompetitive contracts that was promised by district officials in light of a federal criminal investigation is behind schedule.School board members last month said they followed the proper
Data Abuse – When Transient Kids Fall Through the Cracks of Crunched Numbers | gadflyonthewallblog
Data Abuse – When Transient Kids Fall Through the Cracks of Crunched Numbers | gadflyonthewallblog: Data Abuse – When Transient Kids Fall Through the Cracks of Crunched NumbersI was teaching my classes.I was grading assignments.I was procrastinating.I should have been working on my class rosters.My principals wanted me to calculate percentages for every student I had taught that year and submit th
Jersey Jazzman: Teaching At a Charter School Means Taking a Pay Cut
Jersey Jazzman: Teaching At a Charter School Means Taking a Pay Cut: Teaching At a Charter School Means Taking a Pay CutAfter this past Sunday's big, fat, wet kiss to the Newark charter school industry -- see here, here, here, and here -- you'd think the Star-Ledger, New Jersey's biggest newspaper, would make a little room in their op-ed section for someone to express a contrary view.You'd be wron
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 5/15/15
Special Nite Cap CORPORATE ED REFORMSouth Dakota CorruptionSouth Dakota Corruption:South Dakota CorruptionThe Lakota People’s Law Project's 35-page report reveals how private institutions and their relationships with those in the highest seats of power in South Dakota are responsible for the daily violations of the Indian Child Welfare Act and the systemic human rights abuses against the Lakota po