South Dakota Corruption
South Dakota Corruption:South Dakota CorruptionThe Lakota People’s Law Project's 35-page report reveals how private institutions and their relationships with those in the highest seats of power in South Dakota are responsible for the daily violations of the Indian Child Welfare Act and the systemic human rights abuses against the Lakota population in Indian Country. Read the Report HereSome of th
AFT National President Randi Weingarten Supports Helen Gym at Rally | PoliticsPA
AFT National President Randi Weingarten Supports Helen Gym at Rally | PoliticsPA: AFT National President Randi Weingarten Supports Helen Gym at RallyPresident of the American Federation of Teachers Randi Weingarten traveled to Philadelphia to attend a rally and press conference in support of Helen Gym’s candidacy for City Council At-Large.“Helen Gym has been reclaiming the promise of public educat
solidaridad: AALA: Bain V. Cta, Another Attack On Unions
solidaridad: AALA: Bain V. Cta, Another Attack On Unions: AALA: Bain V. Cta, Another Attack On UnionsFrom the May 18, 2015 issue of UpdateBain v. CTA is the latest lawsuit to be filed against teacher unions specifically, but public employee unions in general. This lawsuit has been brought forward by StudentsFirst, the organization founded by former Washington, D.C., schools' chancellor Michelle Rh
Bullying declines in US schools as more students embrace diversity, tolerance - Yahoo News
Bullying declines in US schools as more students embrace diversity, tolerance - Yahoo News: Bullying declines in US schools as more students embrace diversity, toleranceBy one national measure, the number of 12- to 18-year-olds who have been bullied has dropped to the lowest level since the government began collecting such data.The portion of students who experience behaviors used to measure bully
We must hold John White accountable for charter schools
We must hold John White accountable for charter schools: We must hold John White accountable for charter schoolsIn October of 2013, Louisiana’s Board of Elementary and Secondary Education voted to authorize five charter schools in Lafayette Parish. These BESE appeal charters are called Type 2. State Superintendent John White and the Louisiana Department of Education are tasked with oversight of th
Pennsylvania School Boards Association files Right-to-Know requests on charter school spending | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pennsylvania School Boards Association files Right-to-Know requests on charter school spending | Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Pennsylvania School Boards Association files Right-to-Know requests on charter school spendingThe Pennsylvania School Boards Association today said it has filed Right-to-Know requests with charter and cyber charter school operators asking for financial information about their s
How Testing Is Driving More Teachers From Classroom | Oklahoma Observer
How Testing Is Driving More Teachers From Classroom | Oklahoma Observer: HOW TESTING IS DRIVING MORE TEACHERS FROM CLASSROOMBY JOHN THOMPSONKOSU’s Emily Wendler reports that Robyn Venable taught for 31 years. She is one of the wave of Oklahoma teachers who are reluctantly leaving the profession. Ms. Venable loved teaching, but she is retiring because “[t]he testing is just ridiculous, the paper wo
BustED Pencils Trending News: predictable; big lie; college readiness declining | BustED Pencils
BustED Pencils Trending News: predictable; big lie; college readiness declining | BustED Pencils: Trending News: predictable; big lie; college readiness declining Christopher comes to BustED Pencils first with this breaking education news. When are CNN and MSNBC going to cover this story? BustED Pencils to become the mainstream media!“Predictable Results” with Dr. Christopher Tienkenhttp://www.b
CURMUDGUCATION: Honesty: The Hot New Gap (With Anti-CCSS Bonus)
CURMUDGUCATION: Honesty: The Hot New Gap (With Anti-CCSS Bonus): Honesty: The Hot New Gap (With Anti-CCSS Bonus)A new report from doesn't provide a lot of information, but it has opened up a great talking point Gap-- ladies and gentlemen, may we introduce the Honesty Gap!The report, "Proficient vs. Prepared: Disparities between State Tests and the 2013 National Assessment of Educa
With A Brooklyn Accent: The Coming High School Graduation Crisis in New York State
With A Brooklyn Accent: The Coming High School Graduation Crisis in New York State: The Coming High School Graduation Crisis in New York StateAmong the many things that the NY State Regents and New York State Department of Education have done terribly wrong is require all students in the state, other than a small number of students with IEP's, to pass five Regents examinations to graduate from hig
Pro-privatization money behind bills to boost N.C. charter schools
Pro-privatization money behind bills to boost N.C. charter schools: Pro-privatization money behind bills to boost N.C. charter schoolsCharter schools have experienced rapid growth in North Carolina in recent years after state lawmakers lifted a cap limiting their numbers. Now the General Assembly is considering legislation that could boost the finances of the schools, which are public but independ
Standardized Test Scores and Family Income | Tucson Weekly
Standardized Test Scores and Family Income | The Range: The Tucson Weekly's Daily Dispatch | Tucson Weekly: Standardized Test Scores and Family Income click to enlargeThis bears repeating whenever the subject of high stakes testing comes up. There’s a very strong correlation between standardized test scores and family income. Test scores are higher in areas with high family income and lower in are
Marie Corfield: Is the NJ pension crisis Christie's Waterloo?
Marie Corfield: Is the NJ pension crisis Christie's Waterloo?: Is the NJ pension crisis Christie's Waterloo?It's the 15th of the month, and once again, along with thousands of other public employees across the state, I made my legally-required pension payment. How about you, Gov. Christie? No? I didn't think so.If you live in NJ, you'd have to be living under a rock to not know about the pension b
Pearson profits while students pay | American Federation of Teachers
Pearson profits while students pay | American Federation of Teachers: Pearson profits while students pay By Virginia MyersPEARSON IS everywhere.Those textbooks you order every year—the ones with the astronomical price tags your students complain about? Pearson published them. The Miller Analogies Test (MAT) that landed your graduate assistant her position in the department? Pearson wrote it. The o
Why my students’ AP scores matter. And why they don’t. | NBPTS
Why my students’ AP scores matter. And why they don’t. | NBPTS: Why my students’ AP scores matter. And why they don’t.Ray Salazar | Editor's Note: Ray Salazar, NBCT, teaches high school English in Chicago Public Schools and is an award-winning blogger. The views expressed in this blog are his ownI fight the obsession with testing and over-testing in our classrooms. Yet, given the choice, I ch
What’s wrong with New Jersey? | Bob Braun's Ledger
What’s wrong with New Jersey? | Bob Braun's Ledger: What’s wrong with New Jersey?The mayor of the state’s largest city joined hundreds of others–teachers, students, parents– in a march that closed down its largest thoroughfare. And the mayor promised the demonstrations would continue and be even more creative. In any other state in the nation, the event would have made, not just statewide news, bu
A who's who in the race for Philly City Council: "Helen Gym"— NewsWorks
A who's who in the race for Philly City Council — NewsWorks:Go to Helen Gym for City Council WebsiteHelen Gym is a long-time public education advocate who organizes grassroots campaigns on issues of school funding and policy. She knows the ins and outs of city schools and district governance as well as probably anybody in Philadelphia, and has gained the support of many top district employees past
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: LAUSD Race: GALATZAN GRASPING AT STRAWS, SCHMERERSON DESERVES YOUR VOTE: LAUSD Race: GALATZAN GRASPING AT STRAWS, SCHMERERSON DESERVES YOUR VOTEscott4lausd.com15 May 2015 :: PERSPECTIVE: The race for the District 3 LAUSD Board seat might be the marquee event on May 19th.As a resident in the district, which covers a large part of the San Fernando Valle
Oakland teachers reach tentative agreement for 'incredible' contract - San Jose Mercury News
Oakland teachers reach tentative agreement for 'incredible' contract - San Jose Mercury News: Oakland teachers reach tentative agreement for 'incredible' contractOAKLAND -- The city's 2,400 public school teachers reached a tentative three-year contract agreement with the school district Wednesday night that gives them the largest raise in more than 10 years and establishes a "new paradigm&quo
READ FOR SUCCESS: Combating the Summer Learning Slide in America
READ FOR SUCCESS: Combating the Summer Learning Slide in America: Stunning Research Findings• On average, 57% of students improved their reading proficiency.• Nearly half of third graders increased reading proficiency.• Students performing below the 10th percentile showed the greatest gains.• Even students with strong reading skills, at or above the 90th percentile, increased reading proficiency.•
Protecting student privacy in the Digital Age | TheHill
Protecting student privacy in the Digital Age | TheHill: Protecting student privacy in the Digital AgeBy Sens. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) - 05/15/15 06:00 AM EDTSchools may be winding down to the end of the school year, but as they do so, they are also ratcheting up the use of technology to bolster student engagement. Whether on a computer or in the cloud, digital tools a
Stop spending money on charter schools - Hartford Courant
Stop spending money on charter schools - Hartford Courant: Stop Spending Money On Charter SchoolsEvery time you refuse to support charter school funding, God kills 1,000 kittens.This point has been driven home repeatedly in Connecticut at rallies — one of which is taking place on your front lawn right this minute — and in advertising and by lobbying.Once you've washed the kitten blood off your han
Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson denies new sexual harassment allegations - LA Times
Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson denies new sexual harassment allegations - LA Times: Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson denies new sexual harassment allegationsNew sexual harassment allegations have been leveled against Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, who fired back Thursday, saying the claim had “absolutely no merit.”According to the claim filed last month by Estrellita Ilee Muller, who used to work i
Vietnam Wallops U.S. on Test Scores But Vietnamese Educators Scoff at Tests | Diane Ravitch
Vietnam Wallops U.S. on Test Scores But Vietnamese Educators Scoff at Tests | Diane Ravitch: Vietnam Wallops U.S. on Test Scores But Vietnamese Educators Scoff at TestsIn a newly released summary of PISA test scores, students in Vietnam had higher test scores than their 15-year-old peers in the U.S. and most European Union nations.For some in the U.S. media, this will set off alarm bells, produce
Spending in race for three LAUSD board seats reaches nearly $4.6 million - LA Times
Spending in race for three LAUSD board seats reaches nearly $4.6 million - LA Times: Spending in race for three LAUSD board seats reaches nearly $4.6 millionTotal spending in the battle for three spots on the Los Angeles Board of Education has increased sharply since the March primary, reaching nearly $4.6 million, as interest groups vie to influence the nation's second-largest school system.The t
Yong Zhao’s NPE Speech, Transcribed– Part V (All Done) | deutsch29
Yong Zhao’s NPE Speech, Transcribed– Part V (All Done) | deutsch29: Yong Zhao’s NPE Speech, Transcribed– Part V (All Done) On Saturday, April 25, 2015, University of Oregon education professor Yong Zhao gave a keynote address at the second annual conference of the Network for Public Education (NPE). Zhao’s entire 55-minute speech can be found here.I thought this speech worthy of preservation as a
Constance Kamii’s Critical Look at the K-3 Common Core State Standards for Math | Defending the Early Years
Constance Kamii’s Critical Look at the K-3 Common Core State Standards for Math | Defending the Early Years: Constance Kamii’s Critical Look at the K-3 Common Core State Standards for MathToday we release a new report, Selected Standards from the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, Grades K-3: My Reasons for Not Supporting Them by Dr. Constance Kamii. In this report, Kamii shows that the
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 5/14/15
Special Nite Cap CORPORATE ED REFORMJersey Jazzman: Charter School Propaganda: A Case Study, Part IIJersey Jazzman: Charter School Propaganda: A Case Study, Part II: Charter School Propaganda: A Case Study, Part IIAll this week, I've been debunking the Star-Ledger's big, fat, wet kiss to TEAM Academy Charter School, the Newark branch of the national charter chain KIPP.First, I showed how the autho