Special Nite Cap


Rodriguez becomes first charter operator on L.A. school board - LA Times
Rodriguez becomes first charter operator on L.A. school board - LA Times: Rodriguez becomes first charter operator on L.A. school boardRef Rodriguez on Tuesday became the first person from the charter-school movement to be elected to the Los Angeles Board of Education.His win, against one-term incumbent Bennett Kayser, came after a bitter and expensive campaign notable for negative attacks by outs
Ask your Senator to support the Tester Amendment – The Network For Public Education
Ask your Senator to support the Tester Amendment – The Network For Public Education: Ask your Senator to support the Tester AmendmentSupport the Tester Amendment for Grade Span TestingSenator Jon Tester (D-MT) understands public education. Tester is a former public school music teacher as well as a former school board member. Senator Tester served as a Big Sandy Public Schools Board of Trustees me
CT News Junkie | Teachers Union Asks Lawmakers To Study Impact of SBAC Test
CT News Junkie | Teachers Union Asks Lawmakers To Study Impact of SBAC Test: Teachers Union Asks Lawmakers To Study Impact of SBAC TestCHRISTINE STUART PHOTOCEA President Sheila Cohen along with CEA Vice President Jeffrey Leake, Executive Director Mark Waxenberg, and Researcher Ray RossomandoThe first year of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium testing isn’t completed, but the state’s large
Proposed North Side Charter Schools 'Not Remotely' Needed, Principals Say - Edgewater - DNAinfo.com Chicago
Proposed North Side Charter Schools 'Not Remotely' Needed, Principals Say - Edgewater - DNAinfo.com Chicago: Proposed North Side Charter Schools 'Not Remotely' Needed, Principals SayCHICAGO — Principals from the North Side's biggest high schools have united to oppose any charter school from opening its doors near their schools.The leaders of Lake View, Amundsen, Senn, Sullivan and Mather high scho
New LAUSD board to take on persistent problems | 89.3 KPCC
New LAUSD board to take on persistent problems | 89.3 KPCC: New LAUSD board to take on persistent problemsWhen the Los Angeles Unified School District's two new board members take their seats, they'll face this glaring projection for the next school year: the district will have about 5,000 fewer students.Tuesday's general election swept out two incumbents in a continuing show of voter dissatisfact
Turn Around Schools? - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice
Turn Around Schools? - The Crucial VoiceThe Crucial Voice: Turn Around Schools? The whole point of standards, testing, school choice, school closures, and mass firings of school personnel was to turn around schools identified as failing to serve children — MOST of whom are disadvantaged by poverty. Right? These were the chosenschool transformation practices of No Child Left Behind and Race to the
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: This came from VOYCE: Voices of you in Chicago Education
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: This came from VOYCE: Voices of you in Chicago Education: This came from VOYCE: Voices of you in Chicago EducationFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASECONTACTJose Sanchezjose@voyceproject.org773-827-6324Groundbreaking Bill to Address "School-to-Prison Pipeline" Passes Illinois LegislatureLegislative effort led by high school students takes aim at harsh and unjust school di
The Killer in my Classroom | gadflyonthewallblog
The Killer in my Classroom | gadflyonthewallblog: The Killer in my ClassroomSome nights sleep just won’t come.I toss and turn, crumpling the blankets until I have to get up and read or pour myself a glass of water.Sitting up in the pre-morning gloom, that’s when they come back to me.A parade of faces. No names. Words are all lost in the haze of time.But the faces remain.Kids I’ve taught and wonder
With A Brooklyn Accent: The Return of Community History? Hope and Inspiration at C.A.S.A Middle School in the Bronx
With A Brooklyn Accent: The Return of Community History? Hope and Inspiration at C.A.S.A Middle School in the Bronx: The Return of Community History? Hope and Inspiration at C.A.S.A Middle School in the BronxToday, i paid a visit to a small middle school in the Bronx headed by a visionary principal named Jamaal Bowman, who I have been communicating with via Facebook for the last year. The school,
‘Opt Out’ Becomes an Anti-Test Rallying Cry in New York State - NYTimes.com
‘Opt Out’ Becomes an Anti-Test Rallying Cry in New York State - NYTimes.com: ‘Opt Out’ Becomes an Anti-Test Rallying Cry in New York StateBOICEVILLE, N.Y. — It started with a speech in the fall, to parents who had gathered in the auditorium to learn what to expect during the nascent school year.“I spoke at the open house and said, ‘We hope you’ll opt out of the tests,’” said Heather Roberts, vice
Show Me The (Charter Management Fee) Money!
CT News Junkie | OP-ED | Show Me The (Charter Management Fee) Money!: Show Me The (Charter Management Fee) Money!When traditional schools pay their bills to educate kids, they usually don’t have much money, if any, remaining. When charter schools pay their bills, they often have money left over to spend. How much? It depends on the school. For a number of charter schools, roughly 10 percent of all
Badass Teachers Association: CELEBRATING PRISCILLA SANSTEADOn June 14, 2013 Priscilla Sanstead created the Facebook page Badass Teachers Association. After a discussion with Mark Naison, Priscilla created the beginnings of the structure of BATs to lead us to where we are today. We are so glad that she did! For almost 2 years her tireless efforts in running the “mothership” of the BATs organiza
Top teachers cite anti-poverty programs as No. 1 school reform necessity — survey - The Washington Post
Top teachers cite anti-poverty programs as No. 1 school reform necessity — survey - The Washington Post: Top teachers cite anti-poverty programs as No. 1 school reform necessity — surveyIn January, the Southern Education Foundation issued a report saying that for the first time in at least 50 years, a majority of U.S. public school students — 51 percent — come from low-income families. That statis
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Updates from the Washington State Legislature
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Updates from the Washington State Legislature: Updates from the Washington State LegislatureThe one update I cannot provide? That the Legislature has finished its work in creating a budget. The Governor has said if it is not done on time, he will call ANOTHER special session. From the Washington State Democratic Party from Governor Inslee:"Our teachers have
While You Were Sleeping: What Happened to Wisconsin Public Schools - From Monologues of Dissent : blue cheddar
While You Were Sleeping: What Happened to Wisconsin Public Schools - From Monologues of Dissent : blue cheddar: While You Were Sleeping: What Happened to Wisconsin Public SchoolsThis is a republication of a blog post from Monologues of Dissent. It appears at blue cheddar with permission. I don’t know if you were following what happened at the Wisconsin Capitol last night, but here is a summary:Th
Focus on standardized tests reduces college readiness - MRT.com: Education
Focus on standardized tests reduces college readiness - MRT.com: Education: Focus on standardized tests reduces college readinessOwen RustOwen Rust teaches economics at Midland High School.In today’s education environment, high schools seem caught in a balancing act. Because of state and federal mandates, high schools have an incentive to graduate as many students as possible. High schools are enc
Will Bernie Sanders Take on K12 Education Issues? - Living in Dialogue
Will Bernie Sanders Take on K12 Education Issues? - Living in Dialogue: Will Bernie Sanders Take on K12 Education Issues? By Anthony Cody.As we enter the campaign for the 2016 presidential race, educators and students are looking for a candidate willing to buck some very powerful trends. In 2008, we were led to believe that Obama would break with the disastrous policies of GW Bush, and bring an en
NLRB blocks union election at Stetson Charter School
NLRB blocks union election at Stetson Charter School: NLRB blocks union election at Stetson Charter SchoolTHE NATIONAL Labor Relations Board yesterday blocked a union vote set for later this week at John B. Stetson Charter School after the union behind the organizing efforts filed an unfair-labor-practice charge.The Alliance of Charter School Employees union claims that Stetson, which is managed b
Thompson: Stand for Children Reports that Testing is Oklahoma Teachers' Top Concern This Week In Education:
This Week In Education: Thompson: Stand for Children Reports that Testing is Oklahoma Teachers' Top Concern: Thompson: Stand for Children Reports that Testing is Oklahoma Teachers' Top ConcernOklahoma's underfunded schools had plenty of problems before funding was cut 23%, the most of any state. This year we'll face more cuts and Oklahoma teachers, already ranked 49th nationally in salaries, will
Thousands Of Seattle Teachers Strike Over Pay, Class Size
Thousands Of Seattle Teachers Strike Over Pay, Class Size: Thousands Of Seattle Teachers Strike Over Pay, Class SizeEATTLE, May 19 (Reuters) - Thousands of Seattle teachers walked out of class on Tuesday to demand higher pay and smaller class sizes, marking the largest one-day strike in a series of rolling protests by educators in Washington state over public school funding.More than 50,000 studen
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: At last night's meeting. Support builds for CTU in contract talks
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: At last night's meeting. Support builds for CTU in contract talks: At last night's meeting. Support builds for CTU in contract talksThere was a packed house at Luther Memorial Church last night for the forum on the current teacher contract negotiations. Parents 4 Teachers called the meeting and invited members of the CTU's negotiating teach along with Board Pres. Dav
Jim Kenney and Helen Gym Wins | Voters support an end to School Reform Commission
Kenney wins Democratic mayoral primary | PhillyVoice: Kenney wins Democratic mayoral primary Jim Kenney thumped the competition in the Democratic mayoral primary Tuesday, besting a field of six candidates.The Associated Press declared Kenney the winner shortly after 9 p.m. According to unofficial tallies, with 98.1 percent of the precincts reporting, Kenney received 55.79 percent of the vote. His
Without the TEST how will we know? | BustED Pencils
Without the TEST how will we know? | BustED Pencils: Without the TEST how will we know?Now that opt out season is coming to a close and schools have moved on to field days and violating copyright laws by showing Disney movies in classrooms there is an interesting conversation emerging here in Wisconsin.What happens if the common core test (the Badger test) we gave isn’t scored? Seriously! In Wisc
Seattle Educators On Strike!: Photos & stories of the struggle | I AM AN EDUCATOR
Seattle Educators On Strike!: Photos & stories of the struggle | I AM AN EDUCATOR: Seattle Educators On Strike!: Photos & stories of the struggleBy I AM AN EDUCATOR on May 19, 2015Jesse Hagopian rallies the crowed at Garfield High School at the beginning of the strike. Photo credit: Truman BuffettToday was an incredible step forward in the struggle to fully fund education in Washington sta
Special Nite Cap: Catch Up on Today's Post 5/19/15
Special Nite Cap CORPORATE ED REFORMWhen Class Became More Important to a Child's Education Than Race - The AtlanticWhen Class Became More Important to a Child's Education Than Race - The Atlantic: When Class Became More Important to a Child's Education Than RaceIn 1963, kids in the 10th percentile of income fell behind children in the upper echelon of wealth by about a year or so. Today, that gap