*Hope Always Wins the Day*
City-councilor-to-be Helen Gym talks about the movement behind her win—and a clear defeat for the education reform vision…

Helen Gym: No—you didn’t celebrate too early. I’m not worried about the race but I definitely want to make sure that in the final tally in November that I move up in votes and send a clear message about voters prioritizing public education and communities. And just to put things in perspective, Democrats outnumber Republicans in Philly by more than 7 to 1.
EduShyster: I’m going to ask the question that’s on a lot of readers’ minds, which is *why am I so obsessed with a city council race in a city where I don’t even live?*

EduShyster: Enough with the inspirational talk—let’s go back to the voters’ *resounding rejection* of a pro-privatization, corporate education reform movement. I’m just going to have a tiny bit more champagne.
Gym: Philadelphia is a place where corporate education reform has done so much damage. No one is a bigger symbol of that damage than the hedge fund billionaires behind the Susquehanna Group. They poured nearly $7 million into a municipal *Hope Always Wins the Day* | EduShyster: