Well, well. My native state of Oklahoma has been in the news a lot lately. It seems that people around the country find us entertaining at best, and at worst, dangerous.
We are both.
In an earlier post last year I made the case that Oklahoma belongs to all of us, and not just the extremely rich, powerful few who seem to always be the ones pulling the strings with our governor and legislature lately.
But Oklahoma has plenty of room for liberals as well as moderateswho are called “liberals” by the Crazy Right.
Because well-funded think tanks and politicians have turned the word “liberal” into sort of a cuss word here, many people try to keep their liberal beliefs on the down low by saying things like, “I’m really conservative about a lot of things.”
So am I. So are most of us.
The issue is this: Do you believe that there is room for everyone in this state culturally and politically? If you do, you fit the Crazy Right’s definition of “liberal”. It doesn’t matter if you like it or not.
So go with it.
I actually tell people that I’m liberal. Out loud. Right here in Oklahoma. Sometimes they look stunned. They don’t really know what to say.
You used to get that response if you openly said that you were gay. But, even most conservatives have a polite response to that one worked out by now. But, liberal? Uhhhhhhh…Hey! Did you go to that last Thunder game?
The Crazy Right want to keep the state on lock-down because that’s what radical conservatism does anywhere. It’s focused on exclusion and exclusivity.
That’s why in Oklahoma the exclusive richest 1% are so often allies Plenty of Room for Liberals in Oklahoma -- Step Up!: