No Walk in the PARCC......
By: Toney Jackson
Here is the video of the poem
Here is a link to Toney's website!No-Walk-In-The-PARCC/c1yf2/550b798f0cf292acc4c4a998

It's no mystery
You can learn more on a park bench or a bench press
Than you can doing test prep for the PARCC test
You can go outside and watch leaves changing and falling,
And learn about seasons, the reasons they change,
And why being the same isn’t something to shoot for
And why planting your feet in the ground to soak up experience is something to root for
And why pumping blood through repetitive motion with the right level of resistance
Will do more to build you up, than consecutive doses of what someone you don’t know supposes
That you ought to know, but that probably won’t make a difference
'Cause you will able to make a decision to make a commitment to college, a job,
Or the place that you're livin'
And none of it's thanks to the way you were tested in school,
But the way you were taught
And the way you were able to say that it isn’t... about testing
And it isn’t about doubting the worth of assessing
It's about seeing that tests designed with dollar signs in mind, are detrimental
And that tests designed with those in mind WITH dollar signs, are evidence to the fact
That fair is a relative term,
And that slanted scores in schools where economics are lopsided are not coincidental
And we saw better days before we ever raised the idea of educational monopoliesBadass Teachers Association: