Common Core Parental Refusal Act!
I am very concerned about the over-utilization of Common Core-based standardized tests on children in grades 3-8 and urge you to support the rights of parents to have their children refuse these high stakes tests.
Teachers are spending too much class time teaching to these flawed tests that only seem to measure how well students can take tests, that in many cases they are not developmentally ready for. In essence testing what they don’t know, rather than what they do know.
Please support legislation, the “Common Core Parental Refusal Act” (A.6025/S.4161), to require school districts notify parents of their right to refuse to have their children participate in the Common Core standardized tests. The bill provides a uniform notification for schools to send parents information that they have the right without penalty to refuse to allow their children to take the Common Core tests along with a uniform response form that parents can complete and return to the schools. The legislation protects school districts and individual schools from having state aid withheld or any other punitive measures by the state. The bill protects teachers from being penalized in their evaluations due to a lack of student participation or performance on the exams.
I ask you to respect the rights of parents to make important decisions on the educational future of their children by supporting the Common Core Parental Refusal Act!