An Activist Handbook for the Education Revolution: United Opt Out’s Test of Courage

In the summer of 2013, United Opt Out spent all of June writing 50 state opt out/refusal guides to arm everyone with an essential tool, specific to their state, in order to halt corporate education reform via opt out. This summer we have taken it a step further. We have documented our activist journey in an effort to share a broader understanding of “opt out” – “opt out” is much more than simply refusing high stakes tests. As we reclaim the conversation on public education with An Activist Handbook for the Education Revolution we share with you our UOO personal journey, detailed actions, and research to support you in 2014-2015. All proceeds from our book will be used to further our efforts at United Opt Out to educate, take action and allow all children to have the following – as stated in our demand:
United Opt Out National serves as a focused point of unyielding resistance to corporate ed. reform. We demand an equitably funded, democratically based, anti-racist, desegregated public school system for all Americans that prepares students to exercise compassionate and critical decision making with civic virtue.
We also ask that you sign up as a member of UOO to receive updates. We lost all of our contacts when our website was hacked this past March. So, in order to keep up with our work in 2014-2015 it is necessary to sign up as a member here. We are now organized by regions and we will be sharing national as well as local information to keep folks up to date.
Our book is available for ordering here: An Activist Handbook for the Education Revolution
Many thanks to everyone who has supported our work. Join the revolution in 2014-2015 - UOO, as always, pushes forward, with a focus on truth and action.
- United Opt Out TeamAn Activist Handbook for the Education Revolution: United Opt Out’s Test of Courage

A Handbook for Education Activists | Diane Ravitch's blog