“I must do right by the children… I refuse to administer the PARCC.”
“I must do right by the children…” Do we realize that saving our children requires that we ALL “must do right by the children”? I know Peggy Robertson, a mom and a Colorado teacher who helped found United Opt Out. I have more respect for her as a human being and as a teacher than I have for any of the bought-and-paid-for politicians who shill for the profit making CCSS (Yes, it is private. Yes, it
This past weekend I spent almost ten hours reading, commenting upon and correcting student papers. I teach freshman in Government (including one section of AP) and seniors in AP Government (3 sections). While the skill level and maturity of course varies, one thing that is unfortunately common is that they have little experience of thinking outside the box and of supporting an argument. That is
Is there any parent of a child, elementary school age or younger, who would be satisfied with just looking at the photo of the face of your child for identification purposes if he or she were murdered along with 19 other children in an elementary school mass shooting? Probably not, correct? You would need to be restrained by more than a couple of burly police to prevent you from seeing and at leas
Community colleges can offer bachelor’s
Up to 15 community colleges can begin offering bachelor's degrees under a law signed Sunday by Gov. Jerry Brown. The law sets up a pilot program allowing campuses to offer the advanced degrees in vocational occupational. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit the Edsource Today website for full links, other content, and more! ]]
“‘Reinventing Writing’: An Interview With Vicki Davis”
‘Reinventing Writing’: An Interview With Vicki Davis is my latest post at Education Week Teacher. Vicki Davis, known in education technology circles around the world as “Cool Cat Teacher,” is one of the Web’s most popular writers about ed tech. She recently agreed to answer a few questions about her new book, Reinventing Writing. Here are some excerpts:
Publisher Offering 20% Discount On My Three Student Motivation Books
As regular readers know, the third book in my student motivation “trilogy” will be published in early March of next year. My publisher, Routledge, is now offering a twenty percent discount on pre-orders for that volume, and offering the same deal on my first two books, Helping Students Motivate Themselves and Self-Driven Learning, until December 31st. You can read about the discount here, or jus
The Best Resources For Learning About The Hong Kong Protests
© 2011 Thomas Galvez, Flickr | CC-BY | via Wylio Massive protests are rocking Hong Kong right now, and I’ve brought together some related resources that I will continue to expand in the coming days and weeks. You might also be interested in The Best Sites For Learning About Protests In History. Here are my choices for The Best Resources For Learning About The Hong Kong Protests: Protests Have Thei
Marie Corfield: UPDATE: The real story behind Lily's trip to Camden
Marie Corfield: UPDATE: The real story behind Lily's trip to Camden: UPDATE: The real story behind Lily's trip to CamdenTwo weeks ago NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia visited New Jersey as part of her 50-state Back to School Tour. I wrote about her visit and meeting with NJ ed bloggers here, here and here.One of her stops was Pyne Poynt Middle School in Camden which is also home to the co-locate
Nite Cap 9-29-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPA Prof Debunks Standardized Testing & Pearson Strikes BackA Prof Debunks Standardized Testing & Pearson Strikes Back: A Prof Debunks Standardized Testing & Pearson Strikes BackDon't Tread on My PROFITS! Rebellions sometimes begin slow