The question IS NOT whether UConn has a major impact on Connecticut’s economy
The question IS NOT whether UConn has a major impact on Connecticut’s economy. An additional issue is whether voters fully understand how UConn spends its public funds. For example, UConn uses student and public funds to subsidize the school’s big-time athletic programs to the tune of about $19 million a year. Yesterday, Governor Dannel “Dan” […] The post The question IS NOT whether UConn has a m
9-17-14 Wait What? - Malloy’s Fundraising Operation – “Offensive but not illegal”
Wait What?: Malloy’s Fundraising Operation – “Offensive but not illegal”As noted earlier this week in Wait, What? post entitled, Three cheers for campaign finance corruption in Connecticut!, Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy and his campaign operation has collected at least $3.5 million for his campaign by directing large campaign contributors to make donations to the Democratic State Central Committee