Pissing Off Mulgrew #DoTheRightThing
So, let me go ahead and admit, I’ve never met this Mulgrew fellow. Chances are, I’m going to piss him off with this blog. That is ok, though, because pissing people off has always been my middle name. It certainly is this summer…
Just, know, Mulgrew, nothing personal. You are probably a great fellow and amazing unionist. I don’t know you, so I don’t know? But, I’m guessing from the cheers you received at the microphone during AFT’ Delegate Assembly, you are highly accepted within our union. I’ll give you that. Kudos.
But, here is the thing… The whole ‘I will punch you in the face’ comment that you made to the delegates opposing Common Core … Yea, that was too much. Way too much.
This teacher is calling you out for it.
How can I say this nicely? Hmm. Let me make a comparison. In class, when two students disagree and one says to the other, “I’ll punch you in the face”… well, come on. You know … You are a teacher, right, Mr. Mulgrew?
Yes. You are. So are most of the people in the room that day. People who teach school even though they are blamed for society’s woes and chastised repeatedly for everything and anything seen wrong in schools. People who teach school amid threats to their contract, certification, and career. People who teach school despite the countless violent Pissing Off Mulgrew #DoTheRightThing | Continuing Change: