Climbing Rungless Ladders
Common Core definition of rigor; learning activities that cultivate student grit, climbing a rungless ladder…
Nearly 1 in 4 children in America are currently living in poverty, and one would expect that a data-driven campaign to raise academic achievement in America would take into account this staggering figure.
The Ed Department awarded Race To The Top funds to assist states that adopted the Common Core Standards and has established spending priorities and guidelines to support successful implementation of the Standards.
At a time when so many students are living in poverty one would expect that funding priorities would include, additional staff, smaller class sizes, after school programs, morning programs, along with essential wrap around and community-based services to ameliorate the affects of poverty.
Instead the Ed Department has set spending priorities such as upgrading and expanding data collection systems, purchasing new computers and upgrading technology infrastructure to accommodate online testing, implementing new VAM teacher evaluation Climbing Rungless Ladders | WagTheDog: