Scathing Purple Musings
Color me purple in Florida ALL Week

Start the Clock: Controversial Voucher Bill Arrives On Rick Scott’s Desk
Reports Leslie Postal in the Orlando Sentinel: The Florida Legislature has sent Gov. Rick Scott the controversial bill that expands the state’s largest school voucher program. Scott has 15 days to decide what to do with the bill (SB 850). A number of education advocacy groups, including the Florida PTA, hope he vetoes it, though that seems unlikely given its support among leaders in his Republican
On Florida’s School Grade Pause and It’s Polticized Board of Education
The editors of the Tampa Bay Times preface their support for a pause in applying school grades in Florida by reminded readers that the existing scheme is already discredited. And while it’s extremely unlikely that any member of the highly politicized Florida Board of Education would pay attention, the editors make the case that they might want to pay attention to Bill Gates on the matter. Bill Gat