The synergy of all the tools in a teacher's tool kit is what makes for high-quality instruction. Based on the work of Fisher and Frey, the FIT Teaching® tool kit provides teachers with these tools and skills around four essential elements to help ensure high-quality teaching and learning in every classroom. The essential elements are:
- School and Classroom Culture: The framework enables school leaders to build a school culture that is mission-driven, welcoming, and integrates academic outcomes.
- Establishing Purpose: The framework establishes intentional planning for designing instruction that provides students with a clear understanding of what they will know after the instruction, what specific skill they will learn, and how the lesson relates to other learning.
- Gradual Release of Responsibility: Teachers and instructional leaders will use the framework to learn how to intentionally design, deliver, and scaffold guided instructional practices that maximize student collaborative and independent learning.
- Formative and Summative Assessments: The framework also assists educators by offering FIT Teaching: The Tool Kit for High-Quality Teaching and Learning — Whole Child Education:
5-28-14 The Whole Child Blog — Honoring Maya Angelou's Call To Be Somebody's Rainbow — Whole Child Education
Honoring Maya Angelou's Call To Be Somebody's Rainbow — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOGHonoring Maya Angelou’s Call To Be Somebody’s RainbowMay 28, 2014 by ASCD Whole Child BloggersIn March 2013, Maya Angelou greeted 10,000 ASCD Annual Conference attendees in Chicago, Ill., with a song of hope and gratitude:"When it looked like the sun wouldn’t shine anymore, God put a rainbow in