The San Francisco State Strike of 1968 vs. City College of San Francisco 2014
Why did the 1968 SF State Strike succeed, grabbing the attention of the entire nation (and that is no exaggeration) and yet City College of San Francisco in 2014 still barely elicits local attention, much more any notable victories that have prevented the taking over of our Commons by the privateers of profit over the priorities of basic human values. For to this date after almost two years of struggle, there exists a Net Loss in terms of the original mission statement of CCSF to serve the interest of All the residents of San Francisco.
The corporate marauders of Our College through their bought and paid for traitorous apparatchiks have eviscerated, if no other thing else mattered, the enrollment population of CCSF and thus crippled, blew off the legs of and mutilated the life of what was once the exemplary mother ship of city colleges throughout California. What’s left is just guerrilla warfare as they will return and slice away with their profit seeking, blood soaked blades whatever is left for their taking.
But one thing I learned as a recently discharged Marine infantryman who found himself on the campus of SF State in 1968, where my political education was to have begun, was that a third world army of dedicated men and women fighting for their existence were capable of defeating the most horrendously and monstrously created dominant military force ever unleashed upon a diminutive nation of people. January 30, 1968, the Vietnamese Army shocked the US military and its allies with the Tet Offensive, a massive surprise attack that was the beginning of the end for this nation’s incursion upon a land that was not ours, upon a people who lost almost three million lives in the “American War”. To this day, I cannot understand how they could ever have forgiven us for such brutal annihilation of their land and families for what? For what?
And to find out in 2005 through the Freedom of Information Act that the The Daily Censored » The San Francisco State Strike of 1968 vs. City College of San Francisco 2014: