James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

inBloom officially closes | Parents Across America
inBloom officially closes | Parents Across America: inBloom officially closes | Parents Across America After months of parent pushback on the threat to student data privacy, a campaign spearheaded by PAA co-founder Leonie Haimson of NYC’s Class Size Matters, inBloom today announced that they are closing their offices. We congratulate Leonie and all of the parents, teachers, students and others aro
Sacramento City Unified's Withdrawal from the CORE Waiver is No Big Loss | The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education
Sacramento City Unified's Withdrawal from the CORE Waiver is No Big Loss | The Sacramento Coalition to Save Public Education: Sacramento City Unified's Withdrawal from the CORE Waiver is No Big Losspublished by Kate_Lenox on Mon, 04/21/2014 - 2:32pm Jonathon Raymond left Sacramento last December for personal reasons. It must gall him that since his departure, Sacramento City Unified School
4-21-14 The Whole Child Blog — Getting Back to the Real Policy Basics — Whole Child Education
Getting Back to the Real Policy Basics — Whole Child Education: Getting Back to the Real Policy BasicsPost written by Howard Adelman, PhD, and Linda Taylor, PhD, codirectors of whole child partner Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA. The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model provides another opportunity to get back to policy basics. A fundamental societal need is to end the marg
2014-15 Approved Indirect Cost Rates - Correspondence (CA Dept of Education)
2014-15 Approved Indirect Cost Rates - Correspondence (CA Dept of Education): 2014–15 APPROVED INDIRECT COST RATESAs the agency authorized by the United States Department of Education to approve California kindergarten through grade twelve (K–12) local educational agency (LEA) indirect cost rates, the California Department of Education (CDE) has reviewed the 2012–13 standardized account code struc
NYC Public School Parents: Statement on inBloom's demise
NYC Public School Parents: Statement on inBloom's demise: Statement on inBloom's demiseToday's announcement that inBloom is closing its doors will hopefully make government officials, corporations and foundations more aware that parental concerns cannot be ignored, and that they must stop foisting their “solutions” on our schools and classrooms with no attention given to the legitimate concerns o
4-21-14 With A Brooklyn Accent Go BATs
With A Brooklyn Accent: Join "Heal for America!" Coming to Your Campus This Spring!It's time to announce the amazing new program " Heal for America" coming from the folks who brought you TFA. Starting this spring, recruiters for HFA are going to be scouring the nation's top colleges for brilliant, idealistic students who are willing to go through a rigorous five week summer pro
Why Gym Class Isn't the Cure for Childhood Obesity - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher
Why Gym Class Isn't the Cure for Childhood Obesity - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher: Why Gym Class Isn't the Cure for Childhood ObesityBy Nancy Flanagan on April 21, 2014 1:46 PMLet me be clear here, right from the beginning: I know, I know. It's physical education, not "gym class." And physical education is essential for all children, across the K-12 spectrum. Some o
4-21-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Will Harry Be Held Back in Kindergarten?Back in December I reported on Harry, a little boy I have come to know who goes to kindergarten in the leafy suburbs of Germantown, TN. I talked with Harry's dad yesterday and got an update on how school is going, with only 4 weeks left in the year. Harry's dexterity has improved since December, so that now he is not being downgraded for not
4-21-14 LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District): Morning Read: Counties going easy on spending plansCounty offices to cut districts some slack for now on their LCAPs State and county education officials are seeking to reassure school districts that might be worried that county superintendents will reject the new accountability plans they’ll submit by Ju
TALLAHASSEE: South Miami-based charter school management company under federal scrutiny - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com
TALLAHASSEE: South Miami-based charter school management company under federal scrutiny - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com: South Miami-based charter school management company under federal scrutiny BY KATHLEEN MCGRORYHERALD/TIMES TALLAHASSEE BUREAUTALLAHASSEE -- The state’s largest charter school management company has come under scrutiny from the U.S. Department of Education for potential conflicts
Interview with Michelle Gunderson co-founder of the Network for Social Justice Unionism
Network for Social Justice Unionism: Network for Social Justice UnionismBy Roshan BlissShare on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on pinterest_shareMore Sharing Services0Michelle GundersonInterview with Michelle Gunderson co-founder of the Network for Social Justice UnionismEarlier this month at the Labor Notes Conference, rank and file labor leaders announced for the first time the crea
Oklahoma lawmakers, parents rethinking past education reforms | News OK
Oklahoma lawmakers, parents rethinking past education reforms | News OK: Oklahoma lawmakers, parents rethinking past education reformsEfforts result in rolling back of educational reforms from previous years.By Nate Robson, Oklahoma Watch • Published: April 19, 2014One by one, K-12 education reforms passed in previous years by Oklahoma lawmakers are being targeted for weakening or repeal.Among the
Teachers are losing their jobs, but Teach for America’s expanding. What’s wrong with that? | Hechinger Report
Teachers are losing their jobs, but Teach for America’s expanding. What’s wrong with that? | Hechinger Report: Teachers are losing their jobs, but Teach for America’s expanding. What’s wrong with that?By Alexandra HootnickThis story also appeared at:For the second week in a row in his new home, Kenneth Maldonado’s evening ritual began with lumping sweaters and sleeping bags into the shape of a mat
This Common Core Critic Is Still Charged Up | Truth in American Education
This Common Core Critic Is Still Charged Up | Truth in American Education: This Common Core Critic Is Still Charged UpFiled in Common Core State Standards by Sandra Stotsky on April 21, 2014 • 0 CommentsOn April 14, American Enterprise Institute’s Rick Hess and Mike McShane charged me in a blog on National Review Online with not coming up with “next steps” to “repeal and replace” for states that w
FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Monday, April 21, 2014
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: Fensterwald: County offices to cut districts some slack for now on their LCAPsEducation HeadlinesMonday, April 21, 2014FCMAT provides links to California K-12 news stories as a service to the industry. However, some stories may not be accessible because of newspapers' subscription policies.High-paid Centinela Valley school chief can cash in l
Morning Wink 4-21-14 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSRefresher Article on Hispanics for School Choice | Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!Refresher Article on Hispanics for School Choice | Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!: Refresher Article on Hispanics for School ChoiceFiled under: Vouchers — millerlf @ 9:32 am Republican Party, Hispanics for School Choice and Scott JensenBeware of AstroTu
Refresher Article on Hispanics for School Choice | Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!
Refresher Article on Hispanics for School Choice | Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!: Refresher Article on Hispanics for School ChoiceFiled under: Vouchers — millerlf @ 9:32 am Republican Party, Hispanics for School Choice and Scott JensenBeware of AstroTurf Ed Reformers Astroturf lobbying refers to political organizations or campaigns that appear to be made up of grassroots activists but
4-21-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Alan Singer: The Dishonorable Governor Cuomo and the Charter School ZombiesAlan Singer gets credit for one of the most creative headlines of the year. He calls his article “The Dishonorable Andrew Cuomo Meets the Hedge Fund / Charter School Zombies.” Governor Cuomo has indeed dishonored his office by selling out the public schools,
4-21-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Seattle Schools News RoundupFrom SPS:Seattle Public Schools seeks members for School Family Partnerships Task force Seattle Public Schools is starting the process of revising the current School Family Partnerships District Plan. An important part of the review is to engage with our families, staff and community members and gather as much feedback as possible to hel
4-21-14 The Answer Sheet What teachers really want
The Answer Sheet: What teachers really wantOne of the striking things about modern school reform is that the people who you would think would be a big part of the discussion — teachers — have largely been ignored. So what do teachers want? Francie Alexander, chief academic officer for Scholastic Inc., writes about a nationally representative poll of teachers that answers […]27 by Valerie Strauss /
Community Schools: The Basic and Radical Way to Address Child Poverty | janresseger
Community Schools: The Basic and Radical Way to Address Child Poverty | janresseger: Community Schools: The Basic and Radical Way to Address Child PovertyPosted on April 21, 2014 by janressegerTrip Gabriel’s story in this morning’s NY Times, 50 Years Into the War on Poverty, Hardship Hits Back, describes tiny towns left behind by years of jobs lost in the coal mines, the ravages of meth addition,
4-21-14 Wait What?
Wait What?: Weekend Posts on Gubernatorial Campaign 2014On Governor Malloy: Malloy political operation sidesteps Connecticut law limiting contributions from lobbyists. Limiting the financial influence of lobbyists was one of the most important elements of Connecticut’s post-Rowland campaign finance reforms. In its final form, Connecticut law states that, “…lobbyists and their immediate families m
4-21-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Video: “Here’s How To Greet People Around The World”I’m adding this video from Business Insider to The Best Sites For Learning About The World’s Different Cultures:by Larry Ferlazzo / 2h 4-20-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFLLarry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL
4-21-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: These members of the $20 million a year club paid the same Illinois state income tax rate as you did.Because Illinois is a regressive flat tax state we all pay the same tax rate no matter how much we got paid. Today Crain’s published their list of twenty CEO’s who made $20 million this year. They paid
4-21-14 Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement"
Engaging Parents In School… | Going Beyond Parent "Involvement": Good Letter To NY Times Editor On “Broken Compass” Parent InvolvementThe New York Times published three letters to the editor today on the infamous “Broken Compass” parent involvement op-ed and book. The first one is good and the second one, by parenting researcher and professor Wendy Grolnick, is excellent. I’m adding this
4-21-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Legalizing Marijuana Offers Lesson for Changing Course in Education ReformLegalizing Marijuana Offers Lesson for Changing Course in Education Reform. via Legalizing Marijuana Offers Lesson for Changing Course in Education Reform.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical1 by plthomasedd / 30min hide // saveYESTERDAYCommon Core Prescription Will Not Heal EducationDuring my prese
4-21-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University)
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): Legalizing Marijuana Offers Lesson for Changing Course in Education ReformThe role of causality in educational research needs to be questioned on the basis that education is not the same as medicine. As Biesta says: “Being a student is not an illness, just as teaching is
4-21-14 Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida
Scathing Purple Musings | Color me purple in Florida, red in Washington, dark sky-blue in Israel and public school in Education: The Seperartion of Republican Governors From Jeb Bush on Commom Core: A Conservative AwakeningFrom the New York Times: Its most outspoken Republican defender, former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida, is also the most talked-about potential presidential candidate among mainstream
4-21-14 empathyeducates
empathyeducates: Republicans See Political Wedge in Common CoreFormer Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida and Gov. Mary Fallin of Oklahoma participated in a discussion with School Leader Tracy McDaniel and students and at KIPP Academy in Oklahoma City in April. | Credit Associated Press By Jonathan Martin | Originally Published The New York. April 19, […]by empathy / 7h
4-21-13 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: Why Are Teachers So Quiet?Some recent comments on this blog took teachers to task. A parent activist noted her own work against the current reformy regime and then added "and teachers as a profession and individually refused/refuse to step up and do their share of push back - paychecks were/are more important than the principles at stake and our children's wellbeing."Rece
4-21-14 Perdido Street Schoo
Perdido Street School: Fred Dicker: Cuomo Will Get No Support From Dems If He Runs For PresidentIf it's Monday, it's time for a Fred Dicker column slamming Andrew M. Cuomo.Today's no different:Gov. Cuomo, long known for his presidential aspirations, won’t enjoy the support of his own Democratic Party if Hillary Rodham Clinton decides not to run for president in 2016, top state Democrats have told
Marie Corfield: Thank you
Marie Corfield: Thank you: Marie CorfieldMother, artist, teacher, education activist, former candidate for NJ State Legislature, that teacher in that Chris Christie You Tube video, writing about education, poverty, politics, women's issues, social justice and living in a world gone strange.Thank youMy blog hit a milestone this morning: it passed 10,000 hits, the last 1500 coming in the past 48 hou
County offices to cut districts some slack for now on their LCAPs | EdSource Today
County offices to cut districts some slack for now on their LCAPs | EdSource Today: County offices to cut districts some slack for now on their LCAPsApril 20th, 2014 | Add a Comment | By John FensterwaldParents made suggestions in the form of post-it notes at an LCAP forum in San Diego Unified. Credit: Karla Scoon Reid, EdSource.State and county education officials are seeking to reassure school d
Save Our Schools March – Press Release – SOS NYC Metro Rally May 17th
Save Our Schools March – Press Release – SOS NYC Metro Rally May 17th: Press Release – SOS NYC Metro Rally May 17thFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 16, 2014 For more information contact: David Greene, (914)523-6835, Save Our Schools, dcmentor@gmail.comLisa Rudley, (917) 414-9190, N
NYC Educator: A Look Into the Top-Secret World of High-Stakes Testing
NYC Educator: A Look Into the Top-Secret World of High-Stakes Testing: A Look Into the Top-Secret World of High-Stakes TestingThere is such a degree of secrecy surrounding N.Y.S. Common-Core tests that you might mistake it for the Manhattan Project. Teachers are not privy to share any of the specific questions with the public. Nonetheless, one can find many generalized criticisms of the exams on
State Testing Sees Growing Movement of Families Planning to Opt Out - NJ Spotlight
State Testing Sees Growing Movement of Families Planning to Opt Out - NJ Spotlight: STATE TESTING SEES GROWING MOVEMENT OF FAMILIES PLANNING TO OPT OUTJOHN MOONEY | APRIL 21, 2014Confusion abounds about what happens next for those refusing to take standardized examsIt started with a trickle a few years ago, and it may still be only a small stream, but more and more New Jersey families appear inten
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES: WEEKEND QUOTABLESJim HightowerThe grubby little secret of today's ivory tower is that it is being propped up by an ever-growing, exploited underclass of educators. "Adjunct professors," they're called, and the term itself is a measure of the disrespect they're shown. -- Hightower LowdownRas Baraka"Today, the ministers of Newark have
Wanted: districts interested in being early adopters of new science standards | EdSource Today
Wanted: districts interested in being early adopters of new science standards | EdSource Today: Wanted: districts interested in being early adopters of new science standardsApril 17th, 2014 | Add a Comment | By John FensterwaldThe California Science Teachers Association and the nonprofit education research and development agency WestEd are seeking a half-dozen school districts to take the lead in
Peg with Pen: The Charade of Prompt Writing
Peg with Pen: The Charade of Prompt Writing: The Charade of Prompt WritingA quick thought I posted on FB:Most writing in today's schools is prompt writing. This is typically worthless writing because the student had no input in the topic, etc. Prompt after prompt after prompt wears on a child's soul.And when students aren't engaged, the student work you are looking at is WORTHLESS. Without engagem
Time, money, learning: The PSSAs strike out every time | Parents United for Public Education
Time, money, learning: The PSSAs strike out every time | Parents United for Public Education: Time, money, learning: The PSSAs strike out every timePosted on April 20, 2014 by ROBROB2013Leave a commentIt was an honor to appear on Radio Times and speak about high-stakes standardized testing. In preparing for the show, I used a lot of information that had helped me to decide to opt out of the PSSA (
Rand Paul, Anti-Immigrant and Tea Party Advocate, to Speak at St. Anthony’s on Wednesday | Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!
Rand Paul, Anti-Immigrant and Tea Party Advocate, to Speak at St. Anthony’s on Wednesday | Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!: Rand Paul, Anti-Immigrant and Tea Party Advocate, to Speak at St. Anthony’s on WednesdayFiled under: Immigration,Vouchers — millerlf @ 8:21 pm Sponsored by Latinos for ChoiceDear friends,The Milwaukee Journal published the following article announcing that Rand Pau
Barnidge: Common Core is coming to public schools, whether your like it or not - ContraCostaTimes.com
Barnidge: Common Core is coming to public schools, whether your like it or not - ContraCostaTimes.com: Barnidge: Common Core is coming to public schools, whether your like it or notBy Tom Barnidge Contra Costa Times ColumnistPOSTED: 04/20/2014 04:06:06 PM PDT0 COMMENTS| UPDATED: ABOUT 4 HOURS AGOCraig Cheslog can recite a litany of reasons why the Common Core standards will be good for public
“Progressive Education” followed by subverting the “Standardistas” and the “Testingnazis” | Bill Ayers
“Progressive Education” followed by subverting the “Standardistas” and the “Testingnazis” | Bill Ayers: “Progressive Education” followed by subverting the “Standardistas” and the “Testingnazis”By my brilliant colleague Bill SchubertThe heart and soul of progressive education is much more than simple catering to the surface interests of children. It taps the desire of every human being to imagine a
Some N.O. charters begin exploring teachers unions | News | The New Orleans Advocate
Some N.O. charters begin exploring teachers unions | News | The New Orleans Advocate: Some N.O. charters begin exploring teachers unions Mark Quirk is like a lot of veteran teachers in New Orleans. He thinks of his job as more of a calling than a career, has watched the growing emphasis on test scores with dismay and worries that teachers have lost important rights concerning pay and job security
Brand names in NY standardized tests vex parents - Yahoo Finance
Brand names in NY standardized tests vex parents - Yahoo Finance: Brand names in NY standardized tests vex parents'Just Do It'? Brand names within NY standardized tests raise suspicions of product placement By Karen Matthews, Associated Press7 hours ago.View photoFILE- In this June 21, 2013 file photo, Nike Shox running shoes are displayed in Tampa, Fla. Nike Inc.’s copyrighted phrase “Just Do It”
4-20-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Seattle Schools This WeekTuesday, April 22nd"Open Mic Night" on Special Education, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Rainier Beach High School, 8815 Seward Park S. Families of Seattle Public Schools are invited to join experts from Louisiana State University and the TIERS Group (Teams Intervening Early to Reach all Students) during two Open Microphone Nights to give
empathyeducates – Do We Protect Our Children?
empathyeducates – Do We Protect Our Children?: Do We Protect Our Children?Introductory Essay By Betsy L. Angert | Originally Published at EmpathyEducates.'It's spring. The weather is beautiful. Everything is blooming with life. And all I think about is death,' Sam says. ~ Columbine Survivor Heads Back to the School 15 Years LaterOn this the fifteen anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting
Nite Cap 4-20-14 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPMy Book on VAMs on Pre-Order, and Available on May 4, 2014 |My Book on VAMs on Pre-Order, and Available on May 4, 2014 |: My Book on VAMs on Pre-Order, and Available on May 4, 2014 The book I spent all last year writing, titled “Rethinking Value-