As promised, here is an update on Public schools vs billionaires: Vergara v California. Please follow the link for the back story.
My first Vergara post caused a bit of a stir, but that's a good thing for a couple of reasons: One, that means people are paying attention, and two, it means they care enough to communicate, and communication is everything.
So, per my sources, yesterday the Vergara trial resumed. The defense had two interesting key witnesses.
The first was Dr. Robert Fraisse. You've probably never heard of him, but he has a 40 year career in education. He was a classroom teacher, assistant principal, counselor and superintendent of several different school districts and now he's head of the school of education at California Lutheran University. This man knows what he's talking about.
He made some really important key points during his testimony. First, it's important to note that the education administration expert said that permanent status (aka tenure) is important. Teaching conditions matter and giving teachers stability helps attract the best teachers to a district. He made it clear that having due process through tenure doesn't mean you're protecting bad teachers... and that he was able