Teachers: You Are The Target Under Common Core
Categories: Oh My BLOG!
In New Hampshire, the Department of Eduction will try to avoid the subject of tying a teacher’s evaluation to the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) by saying, this only applies to schools that receive Title 1 funding. That means many teachers in NH will be subjected to the VAM (Value Added Model). You can read this report that explains why it narrows the curriculum, promotes “teaching to the test” and cheating. VAM is junk science and that is now part of the teacher evaluation model that was developed by the NH Department of Education.
We all know that after Nashua teachers vetted the SBAC, they came back with negative comments that should concern ever parent whose children will be subjected to this assessment.
So do teachers working in districts that do not receive Title 1 money have anything to worry about?
Manchester recently developed an ”innovative” plan in order to address the proficiency levels and will now evaluate Teachers and Principals on student progress. How do you measure student progress? One way is through standardized testing. I recently wrote how tying a teacher’s evaluation tied to the