Who Can Tolerate Bill Gates and His Ignorance and Apathy for Another Minute???
Reading Out of Context: “But there was something missing,” Walter Dean Myers
Reading Out of Context: “But there was something missing,” Walter Dean Myers. via Reading Out of Context: “But there was something missing,” Walter Dean Myers.
3-17-14 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: NPR Whitewashes “Grit” NarrativeNPR Whitewashes “Grit” Narrative. via NPR Whitewashes “Grit” Narrative.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical1 by plthomasedd / 1h Who Is Unprepared? US Students? Or Arne Duncan?While Arne Duncan continues his ugly swipes at students, parents, teachers, and schools, I believe it is time to turn the focus on the accuser. Are U.S. students unprep