al$o $ee Rhee-lated $tory: Excerpts from "Rhee The Art of the Deal" a new $tory about Corporate Education Reform and the Woman that make$ it Happen!
Regents Reverse Course, Pull Teacher Protections from Common Core Changes
Tuesday, February 11, 2014 - 05:58 PM
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The state Board of Regents at the last minute reversed course and decided not to hold a final vote on some changes to weaken implementation of the Common Core standards in New York.
The Regents were set to vote to delay the effects of Common Core on high school seniors for five more years, until 2022, and to offer teachers some protections if they are fired during the next two years.
The board adopted the delay for the high school students. But they postponed a vote on a plan to allow teachers who are dismissed to argue that they were unable to teach properly because of inadequate implementation of the Common Core standards.
At the meeting, Vice Chancellor Anthony Bottar said the proposal has “raised a great deal of discussion regarding its implications and consequences from teachers, the Legislature and the Governor's office."
Bottar said to “give everyone a chance to better understand and gauge the correct path to follow” the board would table that part of the motion.
The change is a win for Governor Cuomo, who had issued a statement condemning the
De Blasio Prepares for 'Profound Fight' Over Pre-K
Mayor Bill de Blasio rallied his troops Tuesday, a day after a Republican State Senate co-leader said he would block a vote on the mayor's plan to expand pre-kindergarten and after-school programs by taxing the city's wealthiest residents. "This is going to be a profound fight, and it is a fight, both about the substance of the issue and about democracy," the mayor said at a church break