An Open Letter to Bill Gates and a Keynote Challenge
Dear Bill, You don’t know me. I have never applied for one of your fat, corporate-reform-promoting education grants. I am not even tempted to even though I have little money. You see, I am a career public school teacher, and I consider your money wielding a detriment to a healthy democratic society. You and other […]
Does The New York Times Know Its Left From Its Right?
Headline on Today’s (2/17/14) NYT front page: ” Common Core Curriculum Now Has Critics on the Left” or another version of ”All the news that fits, we print.” My initial reaction: Wow…finally they are opening their eyes to see how many Democrats and progressives in NYS and beyond have been fighting this fight for a […]
A quick bite, using the new-new #commoncore math to calculate tips. Nicely done.
Pretty funny!
All Week 2-16-14 @ THE CHALK FACE
@ THE CHALK FACE: #Edreform is Omni Consumer Products #robocopI’m not too excited about the Robocop reboot. It seems like it lost the original’s wit, humor, and surprisingly serious commentary about a largely predicted dystopian future. All right, enough serious talk about a movie with a car called the 6000 SUX. Although, very close to what soon became a reality: the SUV. But in honor […]1 by Shau