BBC Launches Exhaustive Interactive World War I Resource
We’re approaching the one-hundredth anniversary of the beginning of World War I, and lots of related online resources are being unveiled. The BBC has just launched an exhaustive interactive site on the War, which they call the first in a new way they say they plan to rebrand all their content. The new brand is called iWonder, and their World War One iWonder Guide has just about anything you want
The Best Martin Luther King Day Tweets
I’ve seen a lot of great tweets on my timeline today for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and thought I’d collect them in a Storify. I’ll continue to add to it. And I’ll add this link to The Best Websites For Learning About Martin Luther King. [View the story "The Best Martin Luther King Day Tweets" on Storify]
“The Education Department’s strange new report on teaching”
The Washington Post has reprinted most of my recent post on a U.S. Department of Education report (see New US Dept. of Ed Finds That “Less Effective Teaching” Responsible For 2-4 Percent Of Achievement Gap) and titled it The Education Department’s strange new report on teaching. Strange, indeed….
Home Culture Presentations With English Language Learners
Having English Language Learners give reports about about their home countries is a fairly typical class assignment. And, for students who are not newcomers, it gets pretty old for them to have to do it every year. I have students in my ELL Geography class do similar presentations each year, though I try to make it a little different from what they’ve done in the past. I introduce it as a lesson
Quote Of The Day: “How We Get Dr. King Wrong”
How we get Dr. King wrong: “We’ve deliberately dismembered him,” Michael Eric Dyson tells Salon is an important piece. Here’s an excerpt: I’m adding it to The Best Websites For Learning About Martin Luther King.
Infographic: “Ten things not to put on your CV”
I’m adding this infographic from Career Savvy Magazine to The Best Places For Students To Write Their Resumes: Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.
From The Archives: “Why we can’t all get along over school reform”
I’ve recently re-started an effort I’ve tried to do previously by regularly highlighting previous posts and articles I’ve shared in previous years that I think might be worth a second look. Today, I’m revisiting a piece I wrote last year for The Washington Post on the importance of tension in organizing for change. It’s titled Why we can’t all get along over school reform. Here’s an excerpt:
This Week’s “Round-Up” Of Good Posts & Articles on Education Policy
Here are some recent useful posts and articles on educational policy issues: Everything you need to know about Common Core is by Diane Ravitch. I’m adding it to The Best Articles Sharing Concerns About Common Core Standards. Beware Chinese data: Its schools might not be so great is by Jay Mathews at The Washington Post. I’m adding it to The Best Posts & Articles On 2012 PISA Test Results. Why
1-19-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Super Bowl ResourcesIt’s that time of year again — Super Bowl time! I’m writing this before the league championship games are played, but I certainly hope the 49ers will be in it. I’ve just updated, as I do every year, The Best Sites Where ELL’s Can Learn About The Super Bowl. I’ll continue to make new additions over the ne