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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Guess Who Really Wants Common Core Now? Principals! | deutsch29

Guess Who Really Wants Common Core Now? Principals! | deutsch29:

Guess Who Really Wants Common Core Now? Principals!

December 14, 2013

On December 13, 2013, I received an email informing me that the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) has conducted two surveys and has found that “principals overwhelmingly support the CCSS (Common Core State Standards) initiative.”
My first thought:  “Here we go again.”
Another survey (this time two surveys) in which stakeholders forced to implement CCSS are supposedly enthusiastic with their lot.
I have written about four other such surveys (those produced by AFTNEA,Gates/Scholastic, and Stand for Children Louisiana), all focused upon teachers, and all broadcasting the same conclusion: Teachers are just fine with CCSS.
As of this Friday the 13th, apparently principals are, too.
Before I present the details of this latest CCSS sell, allow me to offer a number of observations regarding the CCSS sales job.
CCSS Survey Timing
First, none of these surveys preceded the forced implementation of CCSS upon those surveyed. Teachers were never asked by those birthing and pushing CCSS (i.e., the CCSS copyright holders, the National Governors Association [NGA] and Council of Chief State School Officers]) whether they wanted CCSS in the first place. There were no surveys examining this point– only the clear NGA-Duncan message to push CCSS and its assessments as a package deal.
The Delphi Technique
Second, those who argue that teachers “were part of the CCSS process” do not realize that the positioning of teachers to appear involved in CCSS is crucial to the sell. However, as the CCSS Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) clearly reveals, teachers did not directly control CCSS development. Teachers “provided input.”
How is it that if scores of teachers “provided input” regarding CCSS, one hears nothing