Guess Who Really Wants Common Core Now? Principals!
On December 13, 2013, I received an email informing me that the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) has conducted two surveys and has found that “principals overwhelmingly support the CCSS (Common Core State Standards) initiative.” My first thought: “Here we go again.” Another survey (this time two surveys) in which stakeholders forced to implement […]
Faith-Based Education Reform: Common Core as Standards-and-Testing Redux
Faith-Based Education Reform: Common Core as Standards-and-Testing Redux. via Faith-Based Education Reform: Common Core as Standards-and-Testing Redux.
Dear Education Reformers: A Thank You Letter From Any CEO in the Future
Dear Education Reformers, I wish to sincerely thank you for your determination and resolve in implementing rigorous standards in computation and comprehension. Undoubtedly, my current staff is the smartest workforce I’ve ever employed. Each employee has remarkable mathematical computational skills. I’m simply amazed at the their ability to analyze complex manuals and technical reports. Although […
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A controversial shock-jock-type right-wing pundit spoke as a guest of a conservative student group at my university a few years ago (she has since returned with less fanfare). When I made a passing comment about her lack of credibility, a student in one of my introduction education courses noted that this pundit had footnotes in […]
Not feelin’ too good myself….(Joe Cocker) Seems I got to have a change of scene Cause every night I have the strangest dreams Imprisoned by the way it used to be Left here on my own or so it seems I got to leave before I start to scream But someone’s locked the door and […]
2013 is coming to an end and we (@the chalkface) would like to pay special tribute to the one individual most responsible for swelling the ranks of the various opt out groups. For example, when we (6 real radicals) formed United Opt Out National over 3 years ago we managed to dig up around 2000 […]
In Memory: Sandy Hook Elementary, One Year After
In Memory: Sandy Hook Elementary, One Year After. via In Memory: Sandy Hook Elementary, One Year After.
AJC Guest Column: Children who are poor need slack, not grit
AJC Guest Column: Children who are poor need slack, not grit (December 2, 2013). via AJC Guest Column: Children who are poor need slack, not grit (December 2, 2013).
GUEST POST: Continu—what? Sara Newell
GUEST POST: Continu—what? Sara Newell. via GUEST POST: Continu—what? Sara Newell.
REVIEW: De-Testing and De-Grading Schools, Bower and Thomas
REVIEW: De-Testing and De-Grading Schools, Bower and Thomas. via REVIEW: De-Testing and De-Grading Schools, Bower and Thomas.
Introducing D.C. Mayoral Candidate Andy Shallal
61 minute interview via the Tagged: DC Mayoral Race
DEC 12
Teachers Fleeing New Mexico Districts
This article will be updated as more formal reports are released. Thanks to an orchestrated drive to punish good teachers and reward those who follow the rules (yes, there is a big difference), the numbers of early retirements and resignations in districts throughout New Mexico are increasing rapidly. There is always turnover to be expected, […]
What Are Tests Really Measuring?: When Achievement Isn’t Achievement
What Are Tests Really Measuring?: When Achievement Isn\’t Achievement. via What Are Tests Really Measuring?: When Achievement Isn’t Achievement.
Anti-union, Nonprofit Shill Attacks AFT
On December 10, 2013, the Center for Union Facts (CUF) (don’t believe the name) sponsored a full-page ad in the New York Times attributing the “high school slip in global rankings” to a single issue: The failure of American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten to promote merit pay for teachers. The ad reads, We have fallen […]
Thomas: Charter schools not a smart investment for S.C.
Thomas: Charter schools not a smart investment for S.C. (The State, Columbia, SC). via Thomas: Charter schools not a smart investment for S.C. (The State, Columbia, SC).
DEC 10
A critique of Common Core math standards
A critique of Common Core math standards Guest post in Val Strauss’ WaPo column, in response to “The future of high school math education”
Is Andy Shallal the next Bill de Blasio?
If yesterday’s WTU-sponsored town hall event is any sign of things to come, then the 2014 D.C. mayoral race will be a “game changer” in the education reform landscape within the nation’s capital. Although education reform in D.C. is often a one-sided debate, one candidate is separating himself from the pack by challenging the core […]
Per @dianeravitch, I re-evaluate my participation (or lack thereof) with @AERA_EdResearch
We At the Chalk Face are always appreciative of when Diane Ravitch follows our work, and we are happy to stand with her in this struggle. Today, Ravitch referenced a piece I wrote about the American Educational Research Association (AERA). Here’re my original thoughts. I completely understand that it may be effective to represent from […]
VAM Fails Test, Again: The Bizarro World of Education Reform
VAM Fails Test, Again: The Bizarro World of Education Reform. via VAM Fails Test, Again: The Bizarro World of Education Reform.
DEC 08
Why is NYS Railroading Students with Disabilities?
A guest post from Bianca Tanis, Parent, Special Educator and Co-Founder NYS Allies for Public Education The current education reforms being implemented in NYS are an assault on the dignity and the rights of students with disabilities, plain and simple. While educational leaders seem to be suffering from an extreme case of magical thinking, parents […]
The school of schools also hates creativity via @slate #highered #teacherprep
On inside the box thinking. This resonates perfectly with my experiences in higher education and teacher preparation, specifically. Creative thinking, in a politically charged environment, is dangerous. Allow me to explain, and this is my experience only. You may have experienced something different, and that’s fine. The crux of this very short Slate piece is […]
An investigative documentary into the Common Core State Standards Initiative
BUILDING THE MACHINE (2014) – Official Trailer [HQ] I want to use the same disclaimer here that I did the last time I posted Common Core State Standards (CSSS) related materials from sources that I disavow any connection with. The video is produced by, and also features, individuals that are from fringe-right-wing groups. The last […]
Join us at 6PM EST as we chat for the first time with @angelcintronjr
Link to the show. Check it at 6PM EST. Tagged: angel cintron, at the chalk face, DCPS, teacher, Washington dc
Insanely bizarre #commoncore teaching video for #kindergarten
This is primarily in response to a recent post here by Chris Cerrone on an “innovative teaching” video library. I finally had a moment to watch. Now that I’m back in the classroom, I think I can offer my insights on this. One simple question I have first: this is a grown ass woman, probably […]
Mandela: Dishonored by Passive Radical Myth
Mandela: Dishonored by Passive Radical Myth. via Mandela: Dishonored by Passive Radical Myth.
DEC 07
What if Common Core Had Followed the Democratic Process?
On December 2, 2013, I posted a piece that focused on the governor-business hybrid nonprofit, Achieve, Inc. The post also included information on one of the “lead writers” of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), Sue Pimentel. I followed the post on December 3 with CCSS Validation Committee member Sandra Stotsky’s response to my post. […]
What Is Only PISA Stat that Matters?
On December 15, 2010, Mel Riddile posted PISA: It’s Poverty Not Stupid, detailing that when PISA scores were adjusted by poverty the U.S. actually excelled: With the release of 2013 PISA scores, however, PISA scores adjusted by poverty is not the only PISA stat that matters—although, as Daniel Wydo shows again: This is not a new […]
NM’s Skandera: Let’s Be Tennessee
The latest feel-good email from New Mexico Education Secretary-Designate Hanna Skandera to teachers included this little gem: Teachers and parents have a couple of problems with this video, and the “rhetoric” within. Let’s explore some of the points Skandera makes, and the realities behind them. 1. New Mexico is ranked 51st in the nation […]