Dear teachers
We were sent this letter today and told this was recently sent out by a group of parents and teachers who want to focus on the real problems in public education. WE think it speaks for many!

Dear Teachers:
It’s time to wake up to the disaster in public education. It’s time to start identifying the REAL people who’ve helped destroy public education over the past few decades. In fact, some of this may come as a shock to you, but if you do not come to the realization of who is out to destroy public schools and the teaching profession, you will go down with the ship.
First of all, let’s look at the Schools of Indoctrination…aka…The Schools of Education. You know, the place where they send you to get a degree in teaching. The place where, instead of helping to make you an EXPERT in academic content, they want to focus on just about everything else.
We should probably first start with an admission that we ARE parents AND teachers. Parents and teachers who strive for academic excellence in all content areas.
The Schools of Education have been pushing and indoctrinating you in pedagogy (teaching methods to those of you who are not teachers) that does not work well in the classroom. However they insist that if you

Dear Teachers:
It’s time to wake up to the disaster in public education. It’s time to start identifying the REAL people who’ve helped destroy public education over the past few decades. In fact, some of this may come as a shock to you, but if you do not come to the realization of who is out to destroy public schools and the teaching profession, you will go down with the ship.
First of all, let’s look at the Schools of Indoctrination…aka…The Schools of Education. You know, the place where they send you to get a degree in teaching. The place where, instead of helping to make you an EXPERT in academic content, they want to focus on just about everything else.
We should probably first start with an admission that we ARE parents AND teachers. Parents and teachers who strive for academic excellence in all content areas.
The Schools of Education have been pushing and indoctrinating you in pedagogy (teaching methods to those of you who are not teachers) that does not work well in the classroom. However they insist that if you