EF English Proficiency Index not the way to measure a nation's English language proficiency
Index not a valid guide to English skills Published November 16, South China Morning PostI refer to the article by William Wang ("Hongkongers need to learn English from an early age", November 11). He makes the recommendation highlighted in your headline because of Hong Kong's ranking on the Education First (EF) English Proficiency Index.Policy decisions about English education should no
Al Gore is now a vegan
as you can read in this blog post by Juliet Eilperin at the Washington Post. She notes that the story first surface in a passing mention in this Forbes piece on Hampton Creek Foods. The relevant paragraph in the Forbes piece, without the hot links, is as follows (with the specific words in bold): While Tetrick, Hampton Creek’s CEO, hasn’t been able to persuade everyone, it’s the type of people he
Late, Late Night FDL: Like A Rolling Stone
Here is the Interactive Video. The interactive video is set up to look like a TV screen. And you can flip through the channels as the song plays, and each click reveals a new show in which the stars lip sync to the 1965 classic. There are 16 different channels in which to surf, including reality shows, a shopping network, news programs and even a cooking show. Be sure to click though all of the s
The in box. Todd Mertz: Act now. Rest later.
From teacher and pension activist Todd Metz. Friends and Colleagues We have been fighting this for four years. Many are tired of it. Many are sick of contacting their legislators…over and over. But now is the time to push through. Our legislators need to hear from all of us again. It just takes a minute. At 5:00 tonight, the House confirmed that our legislators will return to Springfield a week
My Daughter’s Kindergarten Common Core Math Workbook
The Common Core has hit home for me, literally. I received from my daughter’s school a kindergarten common core workbook, and, as you might imagine, I have ‘issues’ with it. My daughter’s school, like most schools, is having a budget crisis. So when I think that these workbooks each retail for about $30, I question if this is the best use of scarce funds. Now I will be the first to admit that I
Why You Can’t Click “Publish”
My last blog post started with this sentence: “Here’s the lastest videos educator’s are jacked about” Two clear spelling errors. I had already published it and while it’s not uncommon for me to fix and edit these after I’ve posted it, I missed these two. I received a DM on twitter letting me know about this. That’s not the first time I’ve had people DM me and I appreciate it every time someone doe
What Are The Cognitive Impacts Of Poverty?
Earlier this year, I posted The Best Articles About The Study Showing Social Emotional Learning Isn’t Enough, which highlighted a study showing that social emotional learning isn’t enough — that poverty causes a lack of self-control and perseverance and it’s not the other way around. Since that time, a number of other articles have been published focusing on that same subject –the cognitive impac
"inBloom Score" for Rating Student Discipline for Colleges Proposed by NY School Boards Association
Across the nation, public school families have been acutely concerned with the unprecedented and potentially illegal creation of a massive, cloud-based database of sensitive student data. These concerns have met with derision from a range of corporate reform-minded policy makers and pundits. But testimony offered to the New York State Assembly last week proves there are people who clearly intend
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Ed Roundup for Week Ending 11-22-13 - Year 2013 (CA Dept of Education): Education Roundup for Week Ending November 22, 2013SACRAMENTO—The California Department of Education (CDE) today issued this week's Education Roundup of education-related announcements of public interest.STEM Symposium ConcludesThe CDE's California Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Symposium came to a successful conclusion this week in Sacramento as 2,100 attendees shared best practices, ideas, and strategies on how to bring high-quality STEM education to life in the classroom.Teachers, administrator
Fast for Families: What we hope to accomplishThis year, we have come the closest ever to achieving real immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship. In June, the U.S. Senate passed a comprehensive, bipartisan immigration bill (S.744). Now, the House of Representatives has chance to complete the dream for 11 million aspiring Americans by addressing the moral crisis that is our broken immigration system.Unfortunately, the Republican leadership in the House continues to delay a vote on the one issue that holds strong bipartisan support and is backed by a breadth of communities and groups ac
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAP mark as readThe Network For Public Education | Grass Roots Report: Videos and account of hearings on the dangers of inBloom and private data-sharing in Albany and Chicago2min National Day of Action December 9th | WeArePCAPSNational Day of Action December 9th | WeArePCAPS: National Day of Action December 9th9min National Governors Association Pushes for Third-Grade Reading Proficiency |National Governors Association Pushes for Third-Grade Rea
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11-25-13 Fred Klonsky | Running for our pensions. | VOTE 4 Fred Klonsky. |
And the Bats