Teaching Strategies GOLD = Garbage waste of time
My colleagues in Pre-K hate, hate, hate GOLD. Then, these kids enter Kindergarten without being able to read or even write their own names. So, what the hell is going on? I received an email asking if I wanted to participate as a pilot classroom for GOLD. They even dangled a free iPad mini in […]
Good coverage of the #optout movement from NYmag
Read up. United Opt Out National receives a mention. Nice.
Two things I thought would never be uttered: Thanksgiving and #commoncore, now with calcium
One more day before a short, but much-needed break. We’re culminating our study of the solar system tomorrow by launching a model rocket. But I just thought, for giggles, to peruse Google and Pinterest for some “Thanksgiving Fun” in case I had a few worthless minutes to spare. In 2013, is Thanksgiving in schools still […]
November Guest Commentary by Joining Forces for Education’s Ellen Lubic
Joining Forces for Education was formed in response to Ben Austin’s public school bulldozer outfit, the Walton Family Foundation funded Parent Revolution. Ellen Lubic occasionally contributes to Professor Ravitch’s site. Obama : With Banksters/Common Core/Race to the Top/College for All, and other fantasy legislation vs. Reality and Vocational Ed We, the People, wanted to believe in […]
Little Merit in Rush to Report Merit Pay Report
Mathematica reports and journalists have proven to be problematic—as I noted about the Mathematica claims about KIPP middle schools. With a fresh Mathematica study, Talent Transfer Initiative: Attracting and Retaining High-Performing Teachers in Low-Performing Schools, also comes the rush to report: Top Teachers Retained Effectiveness After Transfer, Study Shows, Stephen Sawchuck at Education Week
Misreading “Grit”: On Treating Children Better than Salmon or Sea Turtles
Misreading \”Grit\”: On Treating Children Better than Salmon or Sea Turtles. via Misreading “Grit”: On Treating Children Better than Salmon or Sea Turtles.
11-25-13 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Book Review: John Owens’ Confessions of a Bad TeacherI teach. I blog. I speak publicly. I advocate. I advise. I counsel. Not much time left for reading for pleasure. However, from the very opening paragraphs of John Owens’ firsthand account of the contemporary, reform-beaten American classroom, Confessions of a Bad Teacher, I was hooked: After we read the section of Homer’s The O