Portelos Hearing Update: DOE Legal Chilling Attempt to Suppress Teachers Who Fight Back Publicly
Callagy said the DOE claim will have a chilling effect on teacher rights to go to court to defend themselves. With an air of disgust he then dismissed the witness.TODAYYesterday we heard two anti-Portelos witnesses, both teachers at the school, as DOE legal attempts to paint Portelos' attempts to fightback as "undermining" and "creating a bad tone" in the school and place all b
Norm in The Wave: Rockaway Election Results Paint Tale of Two Cities
Published in The Wave, Friday, Nov. 15, 2013www.rockawave.com Rockaway Election Results Paint Tale of Two Cities By Norm ScottTuesday, November 12, 2013There was some good news for Rockaway Democrats in the race for City Council. Lew Simon almost kicked Erich Ulrich’s ass, losing by a few points in the closest contest in the city. Will it be LEW TIME next time? Make sure to read the excellent Wave
Chicago Teachers Union urges parents to oppose standardized tests for young kids
DENY THEM THE DATA.The UFT is tailing on supporting the opt-out movement, as usual. But they seem to have skin in the game. The Chicago TU actually takes stands.The Chicago Teachers Union Thursday urged its members and parents to take a stand against standardized tests.CTU President Karen Lewis announced the “Let us Teach” campaign in Chicago as similar measures were rolled out in cities across th
Norm in The Wave: Rockaway Election Results Paint Tale of Two Cities
Published in The Wave, Friday, Nov. 15, 2013www.rockawave.com Rockaway Election Results Paint Tale of Two Cities By Norm ScottTuesday, November 12, 2013There was some good news for Rockaway Democrats in the race for City Council. Lew Simon almost kicked Erich Ulrich’s ass, losing by a few points in the closest contest in the city. Will it be LEW TIME next time? Make sure to read the excellent Wav
MORE: Take a Chapter Vote to Endorse the Moratorium!
My chapter was so excited to hear about this way of pushing the UFT to act that they suggested voting to endorsing this petition right after I showed it to them in our union meeting... Megan Moskop, MORE Long Island Teacher Accuses Commissioner John King of Institutional Child Abuse www.raginghorse.wordpress.com/I know. Some people say "why a moratorium and not abolition?" Especially sin
The Slugs Are On the Run: Port Jefferson Teachers Association (PJSTA) President Beth Dimino shredded NYSED Commissioner John King, Regents Chancellor Merryl Tisch, and New York State Senator John Flanagan
Too many people can now see what’s going on here. That’s why nothing short of a full withdrawal from Race to the Top, the Common Core, and test based evaluations is acceptable. Not waivers for special needs students. Not a three year moratorium. Only a full withdrawal from the entire agenda is acceptable.... Flanagan, who hid in his office two weeks ago when 1,000 people rallied outside, looke
11-12-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: IN TWO DAYS! "Don't Tread on Educators" Open Forum Nov. 14In the midst of his endless and fascinating 3020a hearing Jordanna gets ready for afternoon nap(another session tomorrow and I believe Friday) Portelos doesn't stop fighting - for everyone. Which is what makes him so dangerous to Tweed legal, which had 3 lawyers the other day while they called two witnesses. Total