Common Core’s nonsensical, corporate questions confuse even Shinonome Nano!
Common Core’s nonsensical, corporate questions confuse even Shinonome Nano! #CCSS #LAUSD http://t.co/L1qOH2gQqi — Robert D. Skeels (@rdsathene) November 12, 2013
Is Mainstream Media Hiring from Write for America?
Bob Somerby at the daily howler seems to be onto something with this analysis of an article on NAEP by Julia Ryan* at The Atlantic: Ryan is typical of the people who are being hired to write about low-income schools. At Time, at the Nation, at the Atlantic, even at the New York Times, the […]
Test and Punish Moratorium: “I Won’t be Ignored!”
On Friday a colleague and I attended a meeting at a community center. We were there to talk about how our college was going to help the community center continue a program that helps low income children develop cultural capital. Why? Because like any program funded through a grant the money was just about gone. […]
Kurt Vonnegut’s Children’s Crusade: Kindness
Kurt Vonnegut\’s Children\’s Crusade: Kindness. via Kurt Vonnegut’s Children’s Crusade: Kindness.
@TheDailyShow: @thechalkface radio is looking for Jon Stewart.
Dear The Daily Show Producers, My name is Tim Slekar and I am one of the co-hosts of @ the chalkface radio. @the chalkface is an internet radio show dedicated to exposing corporate education reform through a sacracstic, edgy, yet pointed critique. We have interviewed many guests over the last two years including Diane Ravitch (4 times), […]
Teacher Evaluations: Moving From a Flawed System to a Fair System
As a teacher in a low socio-economic status (SES) public middle school, I can agree that the greatest in-school factor in promoting student growth is teacher quality. That being said, the main concern I have centers on how education reformers are holding teachers accountable for their students’ test scores. More specifically, I’m concerned with the DCPS IMPACT […]
11-10-13 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: The Poverty Trap: Slack, Not Grit, Creates AchievementThe Poverty Trap: Slack, Not Grit, Creates Achievement. via The Poverty Trap: Slack, Not Grit, Creates Achievement.1 by plthomasedd / 11min Beware the hagiography in #edreformAs of late, it has been observed by me the profligate use of the first person when referencing reform crusades on either side of the debate. Beware of ex