Won’t Someone Please Think of the Children?

Dear Mr. & Mrs. Gates,
The next time you wanted to fund a huge EXPERIMENT in America,
perhaps you should consult the PARENTS of the 50 million children!
perhaps you should consult the PARENTS of the 50 million children!
And don’t ever think you will get away with stealing a decade of our children’s lives.
MAMMON AND MORALS do not make for good bedfellows.
I think, personally that the two of you should go somewhere for about 10 months straight and write a paper, a serious soul-searching paper, about the things money can’t buy.
And when you are done doing all of that, I think you should spend the next 4 straight years apologizing to the teachers and children (and parents) you have harmed. I have not had a day this week where I have not seen another’s tears, or heard of another AWESOME INCREDIBLE teacher quitting. I started researching all of this bogus bad business deal in
The Hubris of Bill Gates
Dear Bill Gates,
IF, after 10 more years of destroying our nation’s public education system, you DO determine that you have made some grand mistakes that affected nearly all Americans negatively, and having in the meantime lined your own pockets in a big way, what will America get from you—-an apology? Your remaining fortune to try to begin to rebuild the damage, which won’t even be possible at that point? I would urge you to make very careful decisions in future, as your unmitigated hubris is not appreciated by the vast majority of Americans, regardless of what your 1% cronies tell you. You and they will NOT buy America’s education system for your own profits in spite of having O’Bama and the