Coalition to Corbett: Fund schools, develop formula
A coalition of civil- and human-rights groups has urged Gov. Corbett to release state funds for Philadelphia's cash-strapped schools and develop a new funding formula for education.
"This crisis quickly has become an embarrassment to the entire nation," leaders from 10 local, state, and national organizations wrote in a letter to the governor scheduled to be released Friday.
"Over the last several years, Philadelphia has become a cautionary tale for the rest of the country, illustrating the harm that occurs when political posturing and irresponsible budget decisions trump the educational needs of students, families, and communities," said the letter, sent to Corbett Tuesday.
Leaders who signed the document said the district's $300 million deficit was "largely created" by Corbett and the legislature's decision to slash $1 billion in statewide aid for schools in 2011 and abandon a statewide formula that had been designed to provide resources to the districts and schools with the neediest students.
"Access to a quality public education is a fundamental civil and human right," said Wade Henderson, president and chief executive of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.
The group called on Corbett to immediately release a $45 million state grant without conditions so the district can "begin to restore essential teachers, staff, programs, and services."
The letter also urged the governor to assess the district's needs, work with the legislature to obtain a supplemental appropriation

Teachers, Parents Rally at Eight Schools For Full Funding
Willard Students: “I am a Reason to fund our schools” At Sayre High School “We can make a difference” On the march at Kelly At John B. Kelly in Germantown Rain can ‘t stop Girard staff At Stephen Girard in South Philly At eight schools across Philadelphia teachers, parents and community members rallied to make the point that conditions are unacceptable an
OCT 08
Full Funding Friday #5
This Friday, Oct. 11, as part of our ongoing Full Funding Friday Campaign, we will be holding rallies at 7 schools, with parent, staff and student speakers. We will be circulating our petition for full funding, distributing buttons and stickers with the yellow full funding school bus and we will help parents file complaints about conditions in their school. Join us if you can, wear the butt
OCT 07
OCT 06
Two People Who Need a Talking To This Monday
Last Thursday we unwelcomed Tom Corbett when he rode into Drexel to dedicate a new school of business. His office put out a media advisory tthat he’s coming to join Urban Outfitters this Monday to unveil a new project at the Navy Yard. But after we decided to greet him in our customary fashion, they switched up and now are sayning the Lt. Governor will pinch hit. Maybe Tom got cold feet. No matter
OCT 04
Tom Corbett’s Back and So Are We!
This Thursday we unwelcomed Tom Corbett when he rode into Drexel to dedicate a new school of business. Now he’s coming to join Urban Outfitters to unveil a new project at the Navy Yard. We will be on hand to remind the Governor that Philadelphians hold him responsible for the crisis in our schools. We call on people to join us in fighting back against the class warfare policies that Corb
OCT 03
Tom Corbett, Stop Holding School Children Hostage
PCAPS was out today at Drexel where Tom Corbett was speaking. We let him know what we think of his refusal release funding for Philadelphia Schools.
OCT 02
Full Funding Friday This Week
Full Funding Friday Week Four This Friday, as part of our ongoing Full Funding Friday Campaign, we will be holding rallies at 7 schools, with parent, staff and student speakers. We will be circulating our petition for full funding, distributing buttons and stickers with the yellow full funding school bus and we will help parents file complaints about conditions in their school. Join us if you
OCT 01
Our Schools Are Not For Sale from Media Mobilizing Project TV on Vimeo.
Our Schools Are Not For Sale
Yesterday at the Union League, long a bastion of privelege and wealth, billionaires met to further their aims of privatizing education, imposing austerity, and busting unions, all carefully packaged as “school choice” and “reform.” Meanwhile outside students, joined by teachers and parents, made it clear they were not going to stand for schools without adequate staff and materials and were dead
SEP 28
A Day of Action Against Corporate Greed in Education
Philadelphia School Partnership, Gates Foundation, Mastery Charter School and other advocates of corporate education reform will gather at the Union League, long time symbol of rule by upper class elites. On Monday the corporate school reform crowd are holding a closed door assembly of rich people and their foundations to further their aim of unfettered charter school growth, privatization and u