How Serious Are Madison Schools With High-Risk Students?
OCTOBER 27, 2013

The statistics regarding high risk students in Madison schools are something no one can be proud of, The numbers are not something taxpayers should accept, Over and over we hear the statistics on the news, or read about them in the paper. We continually hear some promise that the district will do better, and yet it never seems to take place for those who need it the most. Then we turn to others issues, and seem to forget that a large segment of our youth are struggling to find a place they can be proud of on the educational ladder.
In 2010, 89% of White tenth graders in the Madison Metropolitan School District scored proficient or advanced in reading compared to 56% of Latino tenth graders and 48% of African American tenth graders. In 2011, 50% of Black students and 59% of Latino students graduated from our city’s public high schools, compared to 84% of White students and 85% of Asian