Urgent. Call ISBE about special education class size. And could someone get IEA to put something on their web page? Please?
I just sent this out to my IEA Retired email list. Please post widely: FROM AN EMAIL ALERT this morning: Urgent!!! Please share and contact Gery Chico’s office at the Illinois State Board of Education today and tell him you are opposed to ISBE removing the caps on class sizes for children with special needs. Really pleasant woman on the other end of the line, and it takes only 3 minutes — less if
Rauner dresses like Floyd Turbo. Speaks like Rahm.
Floyd Turbo or Bruce Rauner. While millionaire mayor Rahm Emanuel wears expensive suits and Republican candidate for governor Bruce Rauner dresses more like Johnny Carson’s old character, Floyd Turbo, you might still confuse the two of them. Aside from record violence in many south and west side communities that is 15 times that of his the area around his north side Lakeview home, Rahm spends h
Guzzardi’s kick-off and the youth movement.
Several hundred young activists fill the room for Will Guzzardi’s kick-off. When I moved to Logan Square in 1975, with a few exceptions, none of the several hundred activists who filled Cole’s Bar on Milwaukee Avenue in Logan Square last night were even born yet. To me, the most striking thing about election politics in Chicago right now is that it is a youth movement. They don’t just look you
9-12-13 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: I say that the NY results are making Rahm nervous and people say I’m crazy.. It’s not the first time I’ve been told I don’t know what I’m talking about. Yesterday I posted a report about the New York mayoral primary in which a progressive Democrat soundly beat the Bloomberg mini-me, Council Speaker Ch