Teaching: My Passion is Not a Reflection on You!
My teenage son said to me, "Mom, do you realize that you are lucky to have your dream job? Most people hate their job".
He's right. I am extremely blessed to do this job for 29 years, and still love it. This is the job I have wanted to do since I was that little girl. That girl, in her friend's basement, attempting to teach the few kids we could scrounge up.I am passionate about teaching. However, at times, I feel guilty about how much I enjoy it. Not only about how much I enjoy it, but how much time I dedicate to it. I don't mean the guilt I feel when it comes to my husband and/or son. That guilt I feel when I have switched from laptop, to Ipad, to Smartphone, talking to my PLN, searching for "that" lesson. I refer to those who feel that I shouldn't, because they don't. "Don't you have a life?", they ask.
Yes, I do and my passion for my education, for teaching, is part of it. I go to the beach, family outings, the movies. I do all the things they feel I should do. But instead of watching reality TV, reading People magazine, or playing a mind-numbing game of Candy Crush, (not that there's anything wrong with that), I choose to blog, tweet, read,