Eliot Spitzer Hires Former Students First/Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee's Press Hack
Hari Sevugan just got hired to be Eliot Spitzer's press flack, but he used to work for Michelle Rhee's Students First political action committee.
At Students First, his job was to defend Michelle Rhee's right wing, pro-public school privatization agenda and pretend like it was a progressive agenda.
As you can imagine, he spent most of his days spewing lies and half-truths and making believe like they were truths brought down from the mount by Moses.
Diane Ravitch did a nice job countering some jive he spewed earlier this year when he was still working for Rhee here.
Now Sevugan has given up lying for Michelle Rhee for a living and
At Students First, his job was to defend Michelle Rhee's right wing, pro-public school privatization agenda and pretend like it was a progressive agenda.
As you can imagine, he spent most of his days spewing lies and half-truths and making believe like they were truths brought down from the mount by Moses.
Diane Ravitch did a nice job countering some jive he spewed earlier this year when he was still working for Rhee here.
Now Sevugan has given up lying for Michelle Rhee for a living and